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(2020) Experimentally Determined Low Temperature Fluid-Antigorite Trace Element Partitioning Data

Crotty C & van Hinsberg V


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14e: Plenary Hall, Wednesday 24th June 06:57 - 07:00

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Simone Pujatti on Tuesday 23rd June 19:29
Hi Catherine, thank you for the great presentation. I was wondering why you employed quartz glass tubes in your experimental apparatus. If they dissolve during the experiments, they might affect the silica activity of the system.

Submitted by Drew Syverson on Wednesday 24th June 03:54
Always interesting, what trace metals would you consider during aleration of Mg-silicates? Do you think partition coefficients between Fe-oxide minerals, such as magnetite, have a different degree of partitioning with secondary silicates, such as for Osmium?

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