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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Owada H. (2013) XAFS Analysis of C-S-H Formed by Cemet-Betonite Interaction
Negishi K, Sakamoto H, Ishii T, Hayashi D, Fujii N, Owada H & Nitani H
(2013) Analcime Alteration of Montmorillonite: Growth Rates
Satoh H, Tsukamoto K, Owada H & Ishii T

Owada M. (2016) Origin of Cretaceous Magmatism in North Kyushu: Evidence from Metamorphosed Intrusive Rocks in the Sefuri Mountains, Southwest Japan
Owada M, Urashima R & Kamei A

Owada S. (2013) Clarification of As(V) Sorption Mechanism with Ferrihydrite for Quantitative Modelling of Coprecipitation Process in Wastewater Treatment
Tokoro C, Haraguchi D, Izawa S & Owada S
(2013) Removal Mechanisms of Silicate in the Wastewater Using Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Suzuki S, Tokoro C, Haraguchi D, Izawa S & Owada S
(2012) Spectrophotometric Analysis for As(V) Sorption Mechanism in the Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Haraguchi D, Tokoro C & Owada S
(2012) XAFS Investigation for Sorption Mechanism in As(V) Coprecipitation with Ferrihydrite
Izawa S, Tokoro C, Oda Y, Haraguchi D & Owada S
(2011) Sorption Mechanism of Dilute Fluorine in Wastewater Using Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Haraguchi D, Tokoro C & Owada S

Owano T. (2013) Advances in Instrumentation Based on Cavity Enhanced Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Baer D, Gupta M, Dong F, Berman E, Owano T & Provencal R

Owari S. (2016) Long Term and Continuous Sampling of Interstitial Waters by OsmoSampler from Active Venting Sites of Shallow Gas Hydrate Field, Umitaka Spur, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
Owari S, Tomaru H & Matsumoto R

Owen E. (2024) Critical Mineral Resource Potential in Heavy Mineral Beach-Placer Sandstone Deposits in New Mexico
Powell M, Xu G, Garza-Garza H, Larson C, Xiong Y, Wilson J, Heath J, McLemore V, Owen E & Wei S

Owen J (2006) Pedogenic evidence for climate change and aridification on Mars
Amundson R, Ewing S, Owen J, Dietrich W, Nishiizumi K, Chadwick O, Sutter B & McKay C

Owen Jacqueline (2011) Primary and Secondary Water Content Heterogeneity in Volcanic Glasses
Tuffen H, Castro J, Owen J & Denton J

Owen Jennifer P. (2008) Isotopic Evidence for a “Beheaded” Mantle Plume in the Western Mediterranean: A New Model for Italian Volcanism
Owen JP

Owen Jeremy (2010) Of Modern Lakes and Ancient Oceans: Trace Metals and their Isotopes in an Anoxic African Rift Lake
Severmann S, McManus J, Poulson-Brucker R, Owen J, Lyons T, Anbar A & Gordon G

Owen John (2013) The Thrym Complex of Southeastern Greenland: Evolution of Ni-Cu-Sulfide Mineralization in the Lower Crust
Owen J, Bagas L, Kolb J, Fiorentini M, Stensgaard B & Thebaud N

Owen Justine (2011) Long-Term Production Rates of Cosmogenic Nuclides: Millions of Years of Rock Exposure in Antarctica and the Atacama Desert
Nishiizumi K, Caffee M, Binnie S, Finkel R, Owen J, Amundson R, Dietrich W & Faure G
(2008) Where Precipitation Matters: 10Be and 26Al-Derived Hillslope Denudation Rates in the Atacama Desert, Chile
Owen JJ, Nishiizumi K, Amundson R, Dietrich W & Yoo K

Owen L (2003) Late Quaternary Glaciation in the Himalaya and Tibet
Finkel R & Owen L

Owen Lewis (2019) Paired and Multi Cosmogenic-Nuclide Data from Two Extreme Locations with Respect to the Last Glacial Maximum Extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet
Linge H, Egholm DL, Knudsen MF, Olsen J, Owen L & Caffee M

Owen N. (2017) Nanoscale Study of Clausthalite-Bearing Symplectites in Cu-Au-(U) Ores from South Australian Deposits: Implications for Ore Genesis
Owen N, Ciobanu C, Cook N & Basak A

Owen Robert (2008) Early to Middle Eocene Arctic Paleoceanography from Nd-Sr Isotope Study of Fossil Fish Debris, Lomonosov Ridge
Gleason J, Thomas D, Moore T, Blum J, Owen R & Haley B
(2007) History of Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the SW Pacific Bare Zone Using Fish Teeth Strontium Isotope Dating of Metalliferous Sediments
Stancin A, Gleason J, Owen R, Rea D & Blum J
(2007) Water Column Structure of the Eocene Arctic Ocean from Nd-Sr Isotope Proxies in Fossil Fish Debris
Gleason J, Thomas D, Moore T, Blum J & Owen R
(2004) Downcore 40Ar/39Ar Provenance of Cenozoic Eolian Dust in the Central North Pacific
Gleason J, Hall C, Rea D, Moore T, Owen R & Blum J
(2002) Calibrating Eolian Dust Accumulation Rates in the Central North Pacific Pelagic Clay Province
Gleason J, Johnson T, Rea D, Moore T, Owen R & Blum J
(2000) Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Variations in Deep-Sea Clays, Kerguelen Drift: A 7 Ma Record of Fluctuations in the Antarctic Ice-Sheet?
Gleason J, Rea D, Joseph L, Owen R, Blum J, Klaue A & Klaue B

Owen Robert A (2016) Coupled Modelling of Speleothem Major Isotope Systems
Owen RA, Day CC & Henderson GM
(2016) Reconstructing Rainfall from Growth, Trace-Elements, and Novel Isotopes in Speleothems
Henderson G, Barrott J, Day C, Owen R, Vaks A & Mason A

Owen Robert A. (2015) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Caves: Implications for Speleothem Palaeoclimatology
Owen RA, Day CC, Hu C, Liu Y & Henderson G

Owen T. (2015) In situ Measurement of Atmospheric Kr and Xe Isotopes on Mars
Conrad PG, Malespin CA, Franz HB, Trainer MG, Wong MH, Atreya SK, Pepin RO, Schwenzer SP, Jones J, Owen T & Mahaffy PR
(2005) The Contribution of Comets to Water on Mars and Earth
Owen T
(2005) The Astrobiological Aspects of Titan: A New Vision from Cassini-Huygens
Raulin F, Israel G, Niemann H & Owen T
(2003) Isotope Ratios in the Outer Solar System
Owen T
(2002) Cometary Delivery of Water, Noble Gases and Organics to Earth
Bar-Nun A & Owen T
(2002) Noble Gases in Planetary Atmospheres
Owen T

Owen-Smith P. (2020) Role of Endophytic Fungi on Arsenic Uptake and Tolerance in Schizachyrium Scoparium
DeVore C, ElHayek E, Busch T, Long B, Owen-Smith P, Rudgers J, Ali AM, Ducheneaux C & Cerrato J

Owens D. (2024) Unique Opportunities at the Interface of art and Science: How Art-Science Partnerships can Bring Geochemistry to Broader Communities
Rosengard SZ, Owens D, Semmens K, Thompson V & Tosca M

Owens G. (2009) Spatial Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater and its Impact on Human Health
Khan NI, Owens G & Bruce D

Owens H. (2008) Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean: New Constraints on Paleotectonics and Hotspot Dynamics
Pringle M, Mervine E, Frey F, Nobre-Silva I, Weis D, Owens H & Gauntlett E

Owens Jeremey D. (2020) The Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: New Geochemical Data from the Central Atlantic Ocean
Bonacina G, Previde Massara E, Scotti P, Viaggi P, Piva A, Diamond C, Newby S, Hung C, Sanfilippo A, Lyons TW & Owens JD
(2020) Quantifying Organic Carbon Burial during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gill B & Owens J
(2020) Trace Element Mapping in Pyrite Framboids by Atom Probe Tomography
Atienza N, Gregory D, Taylor S, Perea D, Owens J & Lyons T
(2020) Meta-Analysis Identifies Global and Regional Change during Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Vizcaíno M, Yurchenko I, Forkner R, Fildani A, Owens JD, Duncan LE & Sperling EA

Owens Jeremy (2013) Trace Metal Drawdown during a Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event: Implications for Global Redox Conditions
Owens JD, Reinhard CT & Lyons TW
(2013) The Cycling and Transport of Glacially Derived Iron in Arctic Fjord Sediments
Wehrmann LM, Formolo MJ, Owens JD, Ferdelman TG, Raiswell R & Lyons TW
(2012) Glacially Derived Iron as the Key Driver for Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Fjord Sediments (West Svalbard)
Wehrmann L, Owens J, Formolo M, Ferdelman T & Lyons T
(2012) Interpreting the Trace Metal Records of Ancient Epeiric Seaways: Lessons from the Toarcian (Jurassic) Black Shales of Europe
Gill B, Lyons T, Owens J, Bates S, Brumsack H-J & Jenkyns H
(2012) Enhanced Delivery of Bioavailable Fe Through Glacial Processes in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Owens JD, Wehrmann LM, Raiswell R & Lyons TW
(2010) Hydrothermal Contributions to Oceanic Anoxic Event 2? – Evidence from Trace Metals
Li X, Severmann S, Owens J & Sageman B

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