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Pachalieva A. (2022) Scale-Bridging Using Machine-Learning: Nanoconfinement Effects in Porous Media
Viswanathan H, Santos J, Pachalieva A, Kang Q & Germann T

Pacheco Â. (2017) Characterization of Soils from North and Central Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Gomes J, Moreira I, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from Central and South Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Moreira I, Gomes J, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from the Region of Lisbon (Portugal) for Forensic Purposes
Pacheco Â, Moreira I, Gomes J, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A

Pacheco Fernando AntÛnio Leal (2011) The δ18O Fingerprint of Spring Water Pathways with Evaporating Recharge Areas
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH
(2010) Plagioclase Weathering Across Hydrological Gradients
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH
(2010) Weathering and Hydrochemistry Associated with the Old Mine Workings at Fonte Santa (NE of Portugal)
Gomes M, Antunes I, Pacheco F, Neiva A & Silva P
(2009) Spring Residence Times: Role in Weathering Rates
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH
(2008) Weathering Rates: A Hydrological Approach
Pacheco F & Van der Weijden CH
(2007) Topographic and Hydrologic Controls of Spring Water Travel Times and Plagioclase Weathering Rates in Solid Rocks
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH
(2006) Modeling of Field Weathering Rates of Plagioclase in Vila Pouca de Aguiar (North of Portugal)
Pacheco FAL & Van Der Weijden CH
(2005) Hydrologic and Kinetic Modeling of Plagioclase Weathering Rates in the Rio Vouga Basin (Portugal)
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH
(2004) Dedolomitization Induced by Dissolution of CaSO4 Fertilizers in Loess Sediments of the Szigetvár Area, SW Hungary
Szocs T & Pacheco F
(2004) Delta Gr Dependence of Weathering Rates Under Natural Conditions
Van der Weijden C & Pacheco F
(2004) The Reactive Surface Area of Fractured Rocks and Implications on the Estimation of Weathering Rates
Pacheco F & Alencoão A
(2003) Influence of the Saturation State on the Rates of Plagioclase Weathering
Pacheco F & Van der Weijden C
(2002) Geochemistry of Groundwater from the Morais Massif (NE.Portugal)
Pacheco FAL & Van der Weijden CH

Pacheco Ferran (2013) Diagenesis, Deformation Mechanisms and Architecture of the Fault Zones in the Extensional Neogene Basins of the Northeast Iberian Peninsula
Travé A, Baqués V, Cantarero I, Playà E, Alías G, Moragas M, Martínez C, Pacheco F, Zafra C & Plata A

Pacheco J.M. (2013) Magmatic Processes beneath Furnas Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Jeffery A, Gertisser R, O'Driscoll B, Pimentel A, Pacheco J & Self S
(2011) Melting Condition and Evolution of Fissural Volcanism in the Island of Faial (Azores Archipelago)
Zanon V, Peccerillo A & Pacheco JM
(2007) Dynamics and Longevity of the Magmatic System of Furnas Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Gertisser R, Gaspar J, Pacheco J, Queiroz G, Self S & Thomas L

Pacheco M. (2023) Utilization of X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure to Identify Iron Speciation in an Experimentally Warmed Bog
Pacheco M, Pierce C, Kolka R, Sebestyen S, Hall S, Arnold W & Toner BM

Pacheco N. (2017) Explora Project: New Geochemical Exploration Tools in Neves-Corvo Mine, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Mirao J, Batista MJ, Candeias A, Morais I, Albardeiro L, Pacheco N & Matos JX
(2014) New Insights on the Metallogenesis of the Neves Corvo Deposit: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Zinc-Rich Lombador Orebody
Carvalho J, Relvas J, Pinto Á, Marques F, Rosa C, Pacheco N & Fonseca R
(2013) Mineralogy and Distribution of Indium and Selenium Metals within Zinc-Rich Ore Types of the Neves Corvo Deposit, Portugal
Pinto A, Relvas J, Carvalho J, Pacheco N & Liu Y
(2008) Cu Isotopic Variation in the Neves-Corvo Deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Gaspar M, Relvas J, Carvalho J, Larson P, Hart G, Pacheco N, Noiva P, Barriga G & Santos P

Pacheco W. (2011) Deep Ground Water Migration in Brazilian Federal District Based on Isotope Geochemistry
Santos R, Pacheco W & Mancini L

Pacherova P. (2011) Mobility of Trace Elements in Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs
Zemanova L, Novak M, Pacherova P & Komarek A
(2008) δ13C Values of Carbon Forms in Vertical Sphagnum Peat Profiles in Different Climatic Zones
Novak M, Jackova I, Prechova E, Buzek F, Pacherova P & Erbanova L

Pacho Sampedro L. (2024) Variation in Seawater [Ca2+] as a Major Driver for Na, K, S, and B Incorporation in Inorganic Calcites
Uchikawa J, Karancz S, Wolthers M, Pacho Sampedro L, Harper DT, Penman DE, de Nooijer LJ, Reichart G-J & Richard Z
(2023) Foraminiferal K Incorporation: New Insight from Species with Different Biomineralization Mechanisms
Pacho Sampedro L, de Nooijer LJ, Boer W & Reichart G-J
(2023) 500 Million Years of Foraminiferal Calcification
de Nooijer LJ, Pacho Sampedro L, Jorissen F, Pawlowski J, Rosenthal Y, Dissard D & Reichart G-J
(2021) Multi Element (Mg, Sr, Na and K) to Calcium Ratio Calibration of Benthic Foraminifera Amphistegina Lessonii Using Controlled Growth Experiments
Pacho Sampedro L, de Nooijer LJ, Boer W & Reichart G-J
(2021) The Evolution of Foraminiferal Calcification
de Nooijer LJ, Pacho Sampedro L & Reichart G-J

Pacholski P. (2023) Concealed by Darkness: Combination of NMR and FT-ICR MS Reveal the Heterogeneous Molecular Natures of Dissolved Organic Matter in Fractured-Rock Groundwater from an Unconfined Aquifer
Bridoux MC, Gaiffe G, Schramm S, Pacholski P, Vinci G, Cangemi S & Spaccini R

Pachon J. (2009) Linking Particulate Matter Sources to Health
Russell A, Balachandran S, Lee D, Pachon J, Mulholland J, Tolbert P & Sarnat J

Pachon-Rodriguez E.A. (2012) How to Measure the Pure Dissolution Kinetics of a Soft Mineral?
Colombani J, Piednoir A & Pachon-Rodriguez EA
(2011) Holographic Interferometry Study of the Inhibition of Gypsum Dissolution
Pachon-Rodriguez EA & Colombani J

Pacifico L.R. (2023) A Regional-Wide Geochemical Project Based on Soil and Stream Sediments to Unveil Historical Anthropogenic Signals and Natural Fingerprints: An Experiment from Southern Italy
Albanese S, Iannone A, Pacifico LR & Guarino A

Paciolla C. (2023) Effects of Several Rare Earth Elements on the Growth, Photosynthetic Pigments, Ascorbate Content, and Lipid Peroxidation Level of Lemna Minor L
Gjata I, Paciolla C, De Leonardis S & Tommasi F

Paciorek A. (2019) Assessment of Arsenic Compounds Content in Seafood Samples
Nawrocka A, Durkalec M, Kmiecik M, Paciorek A & Posyniak A

Pacitto A. (2019) Air Quality Conditions Inside Taxis
Moreno T, Pacitto A, Fernandez A, Amato F, Marco E, Grimalt JO, Buonanno G & Querol X

Pack A. (2024) Cryogenian Postglacial Climate Revealed by Dolomite Triple Oxygen Isotopes
Bajnai D, Stacey J, Balsliemke A, Wallace MW, Pack A, Herwartz D & Hood AVS
(2023) High Precision Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Small Size Urban Micrometeorites
Zahnow F, Stracke T, Di Rocco T, Hasse T & Pack A
(2023) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Modern Terrestrial Mammalian Tooth Enamel- New Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Physiological Research
Feng D, Löffler N, Zahnow F, Surma J, Herwartz D & Pack A
(2023) Early Archean Carbonate Factories – Major Carbon Sinks on the Juvenile Earth
Xiang W, Duda J-P, Pack A, Willbold M, Bach W & Reitner J
(2023) Tracing Vital Effects in Biogenic Carbonates via Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Klipsch S, Bajnai D, Raddatz J, Davies A, Gischler E, Fiebig J & Pack A
(2022) Cherts as Geochemical Markers of Depositional Conditions and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy
Ackerman L, Zak K, Žák J, Kachlík V, Pasava J, Pack A, Veselovský F & Strnad L
(2022) Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Early Earth’s Carbonate Record
Surma J, Albrecht N, Jäger O, Zahnow F, Marien C, Xiang W, Reitner J & Pack A
(2021) The Aguas Zarcas Breccia – Similarities to Surface Features of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu
Kerraouch I, Bischoff A, Zolensky ME, Pack A, Hanna R, Kebukawa Y & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Exponent between Apatite and Water
Feng D, Tütken T, Hoefs J & Pack A
(2021) Identification of Metabolic and Enzymatic Pathways in the Phosphorus Cycle Using Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Pack A, Di Rocco T, Feng D & von Sperber C
(2021) The Significance of Triple Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Oceanic Crust Samples and Cherts in Understanding Early Earth Processes
Sengupta S & Pack A
(2021) An Improved and Automated CO2-O2 Equilibration Method for Triple Oxygen Isotope Analysis of CO2
Jäger O, Surma J, Zahnow F & Pack A
(2021) Environmental and Diagenetic Signals Recorded in Cherts from Archean to Cenozoic: Combining in situ δ18O and High-Precision Δ17O Measurements
Zakharov D, Marin-Carbonne J, Di Rocco T & Pack A
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Missing Late Veneer from Archean Ultramafic Rocks
Peters STM, Fischer MB, Pack A & Szilas K
(2020) Magmatic-Hydrothermal BIF-Hosted Iron Ore in the SE São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Silveira Braga FC, Rosière CA, Santos JOS, Pack A & Hagemann SG
(2019) Elements Behavior and Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Mafic Rocks Upon Evaporation Processes in a Redox-Controlled Atmosphere
Pons M-L, Pack A, Kleinhanns IC, Wenzel T & Schoenberg R
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Bioapatite
Feng D, Tütken T & Pack A
(2019) New High-Precision Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Lunar Rocks
Fischer MB, Peters STM, Hartogh P & Pack A
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Variations in Magnetite from Iron Oxide Deposits, Central Iran, Record Devolatilization of Evaporite and Carbonate Rocks
Peters S, Alibabaie N, Raeisi D, McKibbin S, Pack A & Lehmann B
(2019) Triple Oxygen Isotope Analysis in Carbonates – New Insights from High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Surma J, Albrecht N, Jäger O, Marien CS, Xiang W, Reitner J & Pack A
(2017) Mesoarchean Glacial Waters Recorded by Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of the Ivnartivaq Ultramafic Layered Complex, SE Greenland
Peters S, Pack A & Szilas K
(2016) I-Type Micrometeorites as Probes for the Isotopic Composition of Upper Atmospheric Oxygen and their Use as a CO2-barometer
Pack A, Höweling A, Hezel D, Folco L, Beck A, Stefanak M, Peters S & Sengupta S
(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of the ~3.0 Ga Fiskefjord Peridotites, SW Greenland
Peters S, Pack A, Zeuner M, Szilas K & Hering M
(2015) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of >3.81 Ga Ultramafic Rocks
Peters S, Pack A & Appel PWU
(2015) Highly Siderophile Elements and Triple-Oxygen Isotopes of Tektite-Like Glasses from the Zhamanshin Impact Structure, Kazakhstan
Jonášová Š, Ackerman L, Žák K, Skála R, Ďurišová J, Pack A & Magna T
(2015) Geochemical Modelling of Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Seawater Using High Precision Δ17O Analyses of Oceanic Crust
Sengupta S, Pack A, Sharp Z & Bach W
(2014) Continental Alkaline Volcanism from Li–O Isotope Perspective
Magna T, Rapprich V & Pack A
(2014) Effect of Pre-Eruption Storage on Estimates of Magmatic δ18O from Minerals
Hora J, Wörner G, Albrecht N & Pack A
(2014) High Precision Δ17O Analysis of Cherts – Implications for the Temperature and δ18O of Ancient Oceans
Sengupta S, Pack A, Robert F, Reitner J & Herwatrz D
(2014) The Elevated Δ17O Composition of the Moon Relative to the Earth
Herwartz D, Pack A, Friedrichs B & Bischoff A
(2014) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Earth and Mass-Dependent Variations in Δ17O in Mantle and Crustal Rocks
Pack A, Herwartz D & Sengupta S
(2013) Variations of ∆17O in Terrestrial Rocks
Herwartz D, Pack A & Krylov D
(2012) Ultrapotassic Lava Flows from Colli Albani Volcanic District (Central Italy) Give Insights into the Crystallization of Magmatic Calcite in Effusive Rocks
Gozzi F, Gaeta M, Freda C, Mollo S, Di Rocco T, Marra F, Dallai L & Pack A
(2012) Is the Bulk Earth Nb/Ta Chondritic?
Munker C, Stracke A, Bendel V, Palme H & Pack A
(2011) Oxygen Isotope Variations in the Allende CV3 Meteorite
Goldmann A, Pack A, Gellissen M, Albrecht N, Zipfel J & Palme H
(2008) Barium, but no Sr Isotope Anomalies in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Wombacher F, Hammerschmidt K, Becker H & Pack A
(2007) Primordial Alkalis in Chondrules
Kropf A & Pack A
(2007) Solar Nebular Fractionation of Refractory Elements Y and Ho
Pack A & Russell S
(2007) Fe, Co and Ni in Ureilites: Metal-Silicate Equilibration in the UPB
Gabriel AD & Pack A

Pack M. (2009) Methane Oxidation Rates by AMS
Pack M, Heintz M, Reeburgh W, Trumbore S, Valentine D & Xu X

Packman H. (2023) Fluxes and Isotopic Compositions of Zn and Cd in an Estuary Severely Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Packman H, Little SH, Nieto JM, Basallote MD, Pérez López R, Coles BJ, Kreissig K, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M
(2019) Stable Isotope Tracing of the Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Zn and Cu to Atlantic Aerosols
Packman H, Little S, van De Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Bridgestock L & Baker A
(2019) High-Precision Pb Isotope Analysis of Seawater Using a Nobias Chelate Resin and a 207Pb-204Pb Double-Spike on a MC-ICP-MS
Griffiths A, Packman H, Little S, Rehkamper M & van De Flierdt T

Packroff G. (2024) Biogeochemistry Linked to Microbial Community Composition: Insights into Manganese Cycling in a Drinking Water Reservoir
Hahn L, Packroff G, Manz W & Meier J
(2023) Biogeochemical Cycling of Manganese in a Drinking Water Reservoir in Germany
Hahn L, Packroff G, Meier J & Manz W

Pacold J. (2015) Composition and Redox Conditions in Historic Nuclear Fallout
Holliday K, Booth C, Pacold J, Dierken J, Monroe M, McClory J & Hutcheon I

Pacreau M. (2010) Transport and Ion Exchange between Na+ and Ca2+ in Vermiculite: Modeling of Experimental Data Obtained for Static and Stirred Flow-Through Reactor Methods
Tertre E, Pacreau M, Bruzac S, Ferrage E & Prêt D

Pacton M. (2011) Viruses: A Key Role in Microbial Mat Mineralization
Pacton M, Wacey D, Kilburn MR, Gorin GE & Vasconcelos C

Pacyna E. (2015) New Technologies Using Trace Metals of Concern
Sundseth K, Pacyna J & Pacyna E

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