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Qiu N.

Qiu Rong Liang (2012) Zn Isotopes Variation in Field Hyperaccumulator Plant Species
Tang YT, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Morel JL, Carignan J, Qiu RL & Echevarria G

Qiu Rong-Liang (2020) Silicon Plays a Key Role in Rare Earth Elements Detoxification in a Hyperaccumulator Fern
Liu W-S, Tang Y-T, van der Ent A & Qiu R-L
(2020) Size-Dependent Accumulation and Toxicity of PS-Mps in Earthworms (Eisenia Foetida)
Xiao X, Tang Y, He E & Qiu R
(2018) Rare Earths Elements Cycling in Reclaimed Ion-Adsorption Mine Tailings
Janot N, Huot H, Leguédois S, Séré G, Tang Y-T, Morel J-L, Qiu R-L & Groenenberg JE

Qiu Rongliang (2020) Mechanisms of BioSeNPs Biomineralization: AFM, FTIR and XPS Analysis
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Liu C & Qiu R
(2019) Biomineralization of Seledide: Implications for Se Bioremediation and Recovery
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Liu C & Qiu R
(2014) Nickel and Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Hyperaccumulating and Non-Hyperaccumulating Plants
Deng T, Cloquet C, Sterckeman T, Tang Y, Echevarria G, Morel J-L, Qiu R & Estrade N

Qiu Ruizhao (2010) Sm-Nd Dating of Whole Rock and Mineral Separates from Dangqiong Gabbro, Yarlung–Tsangpo Suture
Zhou S, Mo X, Qiu R, Zhao Z, Zhang S, Guo T & Qiu L
(2009) Variation of Spatial and Temporal of Miocene Ultrapotassic Volcanism in Interior Gangdese, Tibet and its Petrogenesis
Zhou S, Mo X, Zhao Z, Xie G, Qiu R, Zhu D & Liao Z

Qiu Ruoyuan (2024) The C-S-Fe System Evolution of Lacustrine Shale Influenced by Volcanic Activity and Evidenced by Iron Isotopes: A Case Study of the Late Triassic Ordos Basin, China
Zhang R, Zhang W, Liang X, Qiu R & Jin Z

Qiu S. (2013) Quantitative Analysis of High Resolution Isotope and Concentration Data from a Toluene-Pulse Experiment by Reactive Transport Modeling
Eckert D, Qiu S, Elsner M & Cirpka O

Qiu T. (2019) Recycling Oceanic Crust in Mantle Revealed by Diamond within Chromitite from the Mirdita Ophiolite (Albania)
Wu W, Yang J, Wirth R, Zheng J, Lian D & Qiu T
(2017) Trace Element Mobility in Shear Zones within the Sartohay Ophiolite, West Junggar, Xinjiang (NW China): Implications from CO2-metasomatism of Peridotite and its Shearing Deformation
Qiu T, Zhu Y & Yang J

Qiu Wanyin (2022) Double-Plunge Structure of the East Asian Summer Monsoon during Heinrich Stadial 1 Recorded in Xianyun Cave, Southeastern China
Qiu W, Zhang X, Jiang X, Hu H-M, Ma L, Xiao H, Cai B & Shen C-C

Qiu Wenhong (2022) Sulfur Isotopes Constraints and Thermodynamic Modelling of Mendez Gwen (MAR) Chimney Mineralization
Qiu W, Alveirinho Dias Á, Costa IMA & Barriga FJAS
(2022) Variability of the Hydrothermal Fields within the Portuguese Seafloor (MAR)
Alveirinho Dias Á, Relvas JMRS, A. Marques AF, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS, Ribeiro L & Calado A
(2020) Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints
Qiu W, Dias ÁA, Costa IMA & Barriga F
(2020) Sub-Seafloor Sulfide Mineralization in the Saldanha Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)
Alveirinho Dias Á, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS & Tao C

Qiu Wenkai (2019) Effect of Clay Mineral Particle Size Composition on Organic Carbon Occurrence in Clay Aquitard
Liu R, Ma T & Qiu W
(2019) Adsorption of BDE-47 on Aluminium Hydroxide Colloid
Qiu W, Ma T, Liu R & Chen L

Qiu Xiao Fei (2011) Early Neoproterozoic Arc Magmatism along the Northwestern Margin of the Yangtze Craton and its Connection with the South China Block Evolution during the Rodinia Assembly
Berkana W, Ling W, Lu SS & Qiu XF
(2011) A New Recognition of Grenvillian Volcanic Suite in the South China Block and its Connection with Rodinia Assembly
Qiu XF, Ling W-L & Liu X
(2011) Recycling Subcontinental Plagioclase-Rich Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Zhang J-B, Ling W-L, Liu Y, Gao S, Kusky T, Chen Z-W, Qiu XF & Chen M

Qiu Xiao-Fei (2024) Reworking a Long-Lived Hadean Oceanic Plateau to Produce an Archean Continent: Evidence from the Eoarchean Muzidian Gneiss Complex
Wang D, Qiu X-F, Carlson RW & Liu Y
(2023) The Muzidian Gneiss Complex: Long-Lived Hadean Crustal Components in an Archean Continent
Wang D, Qiu X-F & Carlson RW
(2015) Evolution of Archean Continental Crust in Nucleus of the Yangtze Block, South China Block
Qiu X-F, Ling W-L, Liu X-M, Lu S-S & Yang H-M

Qiu Xiaohui

Qiu Xinhong (2021) A Kinetic Method to Assess the Chemical Species of Mn during Photochemically-Assisted Abiotic Oxidation
Yu Q, Xu X & Qiu X
(2013) Immobilization of Boron in Groundwaters by Combination of MgO with Woodchips
Sasaki K, Qiu X, Takamori H, Moriyama S, Ideta K & Miyawaki J
(2012) Sorption of Borate on Calcined Products of Natural Dolomite
Sasaki K, Hosomomi Y & Qiu X

Qiu Y. (2005) Ce Anomaly of Carbonate Rock as a Geochemical Tracer for Redox Conditions of Paleo-Atmosphere
Qiu Y, Fan W & Qi L
(2001) Geological Setting of Some Classical Selenium-Bearing Formations in China
Wen H & Qiu Y
(2001) Occurrence of Selenium in Laerma Se-Au Deposit, China
Wen H & Qiu Y

Qiu Yuping (2010) Soil Microbial Processes of Coexisting Atrazine and Dichlobenil in the Presence of a Biochar
Sheng D, Zhou Z & Qiu Y

Qiu Yuzhuo (2002) Occurrence of Selenium in the Kerogen-Evidences of TEM
Wen H & Qiu Y

Qiu Zhen (2024) A Nutrient Control on Expanded Anoxia and Global Cooling during the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
Qiu Z, Zou C, Mills BJW, Xiong Y & Poulton SW
(2020) Ocean Euxinia Triggered the Late Ordovician Mass extinction:Evidence from High-Resolution Data in South China
Qiu Z, Zou C, Wang H, Dong D, Chen Z & Liu H

Qiu Zhengjie (2022) The Role of Orogenesis on the Formation of Epigenetic Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Deposits
Qiu Z, Fan H, Goldfarb RJ & Tomkins A
(2020) Cobalt Released from Stratiform Sulfides by Metamorphic Remobilization: Sources of Orogenic Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Deposits
Qiu Z, Fan H, Tomkins A, Liu X & Li X
(2019) Deep Fluid Separation at Rapid Exhumation from the Tran-North China Craton Orogen: Insights into Scapolite Behavior
Qiu Z & Fan H

Qiu Zhi-Li (2014) Inclusions of Diamonds from Hunan, the Yangtze Craton and their Revealing for Forming Environment
Qin S, Qiu Z, Lu T, Chen H, Sun Y, Wang Q, Zhang J & Li L
(2011) Precise Age Determination of the Paleozoic Kimberlites in North China Craton and Hf Isotopic Constraint on the Evolution of its Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Li Q-L, Wu F-Y, Li X-H, Qiu Z-L, Liu Y, Yang Y-H & Tang G-Q

Qiu Zhili (2017) Carbon Isotopes of Nephrite-Hosted Graphites: Implications for the Origin Discrimination of Nephrite Jade
Zhang Y, Qiu Z, Stern R, Lu T, Yang J & Li L
(2017) Kyanite Inclusion in Eclogitic Macrodiamond from Hunan Placer Diamond Deposit
Deng X, Qiu Z, Li L, Wang Q & Zhang Y

Qopoto C. (2006) Petrogenesis of high-Mg andesites, Simbo Volcano, Solomon Islands: evidence for slab melt contributions
König S, Schuth S, Münker C & Qopoto C
(2006) High precision Pb and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope constraints on mantle source variations along the Solomon arc
Schuth S, Münker C, König S, Basi S, Qopoto C & Ballhaus C

Qu C (2006) Experimental Study of Trace Element Coprecipitation in Marine Carbonate Minerals: reexamining current proxies and identifying new potential ones
Zhong S & Qu C

Qu Chenchen (2019) Cd Sorption to Goethite-Humic acid-Bacteria Composites: Combined ITC, EXAFS and SCM Study
Qu C, Chen W, Cai P, Rong X, Dai K & Huang Q
(2019) Size-Dependent Bacterial Toxicity of Hematite Particles
Qu C, Huang Q, Chen W, Cai P, Dai K & Rong X

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