Suzuki Natsu
Investigation of Analysis Methods for Sulfur Compounds and their Isotopic Compostions in Soils and Sediments
Murano H, Yamano Y, Suzuki N, Yasuda M, Aasano R, Hayakawa A & Isoi T
Suzuki Noriyuki
Izura Carbonate Concretions Showing Enormous Natural Gas Seep in the Lower Miocene
Maeyama D, Suzuki N, Kazukawa K & Ando H
Methylated Naphthalenes as Indicators for Evaluating the Organic Source Type of Highly Degraded Oil
Asahina K & Suzuki N
Suzuki R
Seafloor hydrothermal activity at off-axial seamounts of backarc spreading in southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Kimura H, Noguchi T & Urabe T
Suzuki Rikie
Seasonal Change of Satellite-Derived Indices for Snow and Vegetation Covers in Alaska Using Time-Lapse Digital Camera Images
Sugiura K, Nagai S & Suzuki R
Supersite for Eco-Hydrological Observations at Boreal Forest in Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska
Suzuki R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Saito K, Sugiura K, Iwahana G & Busey R
Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L
Suzuki Ryohei
Fe Isotope Variations in Ferruginous Sedimentary Rocks Above Kuroko Deposits in the Hokuroku District, Northeast Japan
Otake T, Suzuki R, Yamada R, Shin K-C, Kon Y & Sato T
Suzuki Ryohey
Subseafloor Phase Separation and Fluid Migration Supports Calyptogena Colony in the Marginal Region of a Hydrothermal Field
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Hamasaki H, Yamanaka T, Chiba H, Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Nakagawa S, Nunoura T & Takai K
Suzuki S
The oxidization leaching experiment from the sulfide ore using H2O2
Suzuki S & Komuro K
UHT metamorphism of felsic gneiss
Hokada T & Suzuki S
Suzuki Shigeyuki
Geochemistry of Fluvial Sediments of Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh: Constraints on Tectonic, Provenance and Weathering
Bhuiyan M, Rahman M, Dampare S & Suzuki S
Suzuki Shinichi
Effect of Solution Composition on Cesium Desorption of Phyllosilicates with Different Stacking Structure
Yokoyama S, Nakata K & Suzuki S
Suzuki Shino
A Non-Methanogenic Archaeon within the Order Methanocellales in Highly Reduced Serpentinized Setting
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Chadwick GL, Kozuma A, Watanabe K, Inagaki F, Albertsen M, Nielsen PH & Nealson K
Geochemical Bioenergetics and Microbial Metabolisms at Three Contrasting Sites of Serpentinization
Cook MC, Morrill PL, Suzuki S & Blank JG
Metabolic Diversity of Hyperalkaliphilic Microbial Communities Associated with Serpentinization at The Cedars
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kuenen JG & Nealson KH
Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms Associated with Active Subsurface Serpentinization
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Marques J & Nealson K
Functional and Taxonomic Dynamics of a Methanogenic Biofilm Community Using a Solid-Phase Electron Dono
Bretschger O, Carpenter K, Phan T, Ishii S, Suzuki S, Grossi-Soyster E, Flynn M & Hogan J
Hydrocarbon Sources at a Site of Active Continental Serpentinization: The Cedars, California, USA
Rietze A, Morrill PL, Kavanagh H, Kuenen JG, Suzuki S, Eigenbrode JL, Nealson KH, Sherwood Lollar B & Fogel ML
Suzuki Shinya
Clarification for Boron Sorption Mechanism in Coprecipitation with Magnesium Hydroxide
Izawa S, Tokoro C, Suzuki S & Sasaki K
Removal Mechanisms of Silicate in the Wastewater Using Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Suzuki S, Tokoro C, Haraguchi D, Izawa S & Owada S
Suzuki T
Stable and rare gas isotopic study of geothermal and ground waters in North Hokkaido, Japan
Ueda A, Shimoda S, Nagao K, Shibata T & Suzuki T
Reactivity of Enzymes to Humic Substances
Yanagi Y, Kitayama K, Suzuki T, Otsuka H & Fujitake N
Spatial Variability of Natural Radionuclides, 7Be and 210Pb in the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Suzuki T, Kamiyama K & Fujii Y
The Minimum Prerequisite of the Primordial Membrane – The Function of Liposome Made from the C-20 Isoprenoidal Lipids
Yamauchi N, Suzuki T, Kubo Y & Murae T
Suzuki T. T.
Depth Distribution of Solar Wind He Implanted into NASA Genesis Targets
Yurimoto H, Bajo K, Olinger CT, Jurewicz AJG, Burnett DS, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki TT, Itose S, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Wieler R
Suzuki Takafumi
Tracing Migratory Behavior of Ayu (Plecoglossus Altivelis) Using Sr Isotopic Composition of Otolith
Amakawa H, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Tatsumi Y & Otake T
Suzuki Takashi
Iodine Speciation and Iodine-129 Distribution in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea
Obata H, Miwa K, Kondo Y, Gamo T, Otosaka S & Suzuki T
129I as an Oceanographic Tracer in the Japan Sea
Suzuki T, Minakawa M, Otosaka S & Togawa O
The Evaluation for the Turnover Time of the Japan Sea Bottom Water by 129I
Suzuki T, Minakawa M & Togawa O
Suzuki Takehiko
Geochemical Variation of Tephra Beds in the Sedimentary Core C9010E off the Boso Peninsula in Japan and their Source Volcanoes
Aoki K, Kobayashi M, Takahashi T, Murata M, Nishizawa F & Suzuki T
Suzuki Taku
Micro-Distribution of Solar Wind Helium Implanted to Itokawa Particle
Bajo K, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki T, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Yurimoto H
Suzuki Tokuma
Transport of Terrestrial Organic Compounds to Coastal Zone by the East Japan Earthquake in 2011
Mizukawa K, Suzuki T, Takada H, Murakami-Sugihara N & Ogawa H
Suzuki Tomoya
Non-Adiabatic Calculations of Ultraviolet Absorption Cross Section of Sulfur Monoxide; Isotopic Effects on the Photodissociation Reaction
Danielache S, Suzuki T & Nanbu S
Suzuki Toshihiro
Experimental Constraints on Magma Storage Conditions of Two Caldera-Forming Eruptions at Towada Volcano, Japan
Nakatani T, Kudo T & Suzuki T
Role of Oceanic Crust in Deep Water Cycle
Liu X, Matsukage KN, Takahashi E, Li Y, Nishihara Y, Suzuki T & Xiong X
Subducting Basaltic Crust as a Water Transporter into the Earth’s Mantle Transition Zone
Matsukage K, Liu X, Nishihara Y, Suzuki T, Seto Y & Takahashi E
Experimental Melting Study of Basalt-Peridotite Hybrid Source
Gao S, Takahashi E, Matsukage K, Kimura J-I & Suzuki T
Phase D as a Major Water Carrier in the Subducting Oceanic Crust into the Lower Mantle
Liu X, Matsukage K, Takahashi E & Suzuki T
Coupling of Elemental Imaging and High Resolution U-Pb Chronology
Hirata T, Sakata S, Hattori K & Suzuki T
Advances in Resolution and Accuracy of in situ Determination of Isotope Ratios
Hirata T, Yokoyama T, Okabayashi S, Maki K, Suzuki T & Kon Y
Evaluation of In-House Metallic Standard for Siderophile Elements Using fs-La-ICPMS
Yokoyama TD, Imai T, Uchiyama Y, Suzuki T, Yokoyama T, Takeyama M, Takahashi E & Hirata T
Two- and Three-Dimensional Imaging of Platinum-Group Minerals at Submicrometer Scale with Synchrotron X-Ray
Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T & Uesugi K
Pressure Dependence of Partition Coefficients between Olivine and Peridotite Melt
Imai T, Takahashi E, Suzuki T & Hirata T
Detection of Sub-Micro Scale Highly Siderophile Element Nugget in Kimberlite by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
Senda R, Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Suzuki Y
Silicic Magmas in the Izu-Bonin Oceanic Arc and Implications for Crustal Evolution
Tamura Y, Kodaira S, Ishizuka O, Kawabata H, Suzuki T, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
In situ Detection of Highly Siderophile Element Micronuggets in Peridotite by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping
Kogiso T, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Shinotsuka K, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A & Suzuki Y
Suzuki Toshitaka
Mineral Dust Fluxes over the Last 340kyr Derived from the Dome Fuji Ice Core
Suzuki T, Sato H, Yui S, Hirabayashi M & Fujii Y
Suzuki Y
Seasonal Distribution and Effects of Herbicides on Coral Reefs Around Okinawa, Japan
Kaneshiro A, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Gima S, Higuchi H, Casareto BE, Suzuki Y & Sagawa T
Stable Isotope Approach for Feeding Structure of Mudskipper Periophthalmus Argentilineatus at Different Habitats in Okinawa Islands, Japan
Kawamura R, Fujimura H, Uemura R, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
Prediction of Coral Reef Calcification in Sesoko Island by Ocean Acidification
Fujimura H, Aoyama A, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
Boundary Depth of Aragonite Saturation during 10 Years Around Okinawa and East China Sea
Baek D-Y, Fujimura H, Oomori T, Higuchi T, Casareto BE & Suzuki Y
Suzuki Y
Isotope Signatures of Fatty Acid at a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal System
Suzuki Y, Naraoka H & Yamanaka T
Development of Micro SR X-Ray CT System at Spring-8 for Earth and Planetary Samples
Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi K, Nakano T, Suzuki Y & Yagi N
Aerobic Microbial Interaction with Uranium: Resistance and Accumulation
Suzuki Y & Banfield JF
Geomicrobiological Controls on the Fate of Metals in the Environment
Banfield JF, Gihring TM, Taunton AE, Suzuki Y, Bond PL, Welch SA, Fowle D & Hamers RJ
Suzuki Yohey
Microbial Ecology in Deep Subsurface Granites: Insights from Groundwater Meta-Proteomics
Masuda N, Ishikawa A, Suzuki Y & Endo K
In situ and Laboratory High-Pressure Cultivations of Deep Microbiome at Two Japanese Underground Facilities
Suzuki Y
Biogeochemical Cycle of Methanol in Anoxic Deep-Sea Sediments of the Eastern Japan Sea
Yanagawa K, Tani A, Yamamoto N, Hachikubo A, Kano A, Matsumoto R & Suzuki Y
Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
Detection of Deep Microbial Life in the Oceanic Crust Aged 13-100 Million Years
Suzuki Y, Kouduka M, Ao Y, Mitsunobu S & Inagaki F
Preservation of Ancient Eukaryotic DNA in Methane Hydrate-Associated Marine Sediments
Kouduka M, Tanabe AS, Yamamoto S, Yamaguchi Y, Yanagawa K, Toju H & Suzuki Y
Kinetic Theory of Crystallization from Meta-Stable Phases
Tsukimura K, Suzuki M, Suzuki Y & Murakami T
Unveiling Key Players in the Geological Disposal Environment
Suzuki Y, Fukuda A, Konnno U, Kouduka M, Hagiwara H, Martin A, Takeno N, Ito K & Mizuno T
Behavior of Colloidal Ferrihydrite as Radionuclide Carrier in the Lake Karachai Area
Tsukimura K, Suzuki M, Suzuki Y & Murakami T
Nitrate-Dependent Deep Subsurface Biosphere and Nitrite Accumulation in an Inland Fore-Arc Basin, Japan
Suzuki Y, Suko T, Yoshioka H, Takahashi M, Sakata S, Tsunogai U, Takeno N & Ito K
Suzuki Yoshinori
Immobilization of Selenium by Biofilms of Shewanella putrefaciens
Suzuki Y, Saiki H, Kitamura A & Yoshikawa H
Selenate Reduction by Iron-Reducing Bacteria Isolated from Bangladesh Soil
Suzuki Y, Oyama R, Saiki H, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
Biological Nano-Mineralization of Yb Phosphate by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Jiang M, Ohnuki T, Kamiishi E, Tanaka K, Kozai N, Suzuki Y & Utsunomiya S
Effect of Iron on Reduction of Se(IV) by Shewanella putrefaciens
Suzuki Y, Tanaka K & Ohnuki T
Co Oxidation by Mn Oxide Produced by a Mn-Oxidizing Bacterium
Tanaka K, Suzuki Y & Ohnuki T
Effects of Organic Acids on Interaction of Actinides with Microorganisms
Ohnuki T, Yoshida T, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A
Flavin Mononucleotide Mediated Reduction of U(VI)
Suzuki Y & Ohnuki T
Interactions of Actinides with Microorganisms and Organic Ligands
Ohnuki T, Ozaki T, Sakamoto F, Kozaki N, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A
Reduction of U(VI) by Shewanella putrefaciens in the Presence of Organic Acids
Suzuki Y, Nankawa T, Ozaki T, Ohnuki T & Francis AJ
Interactions of Heavy Elements with Microorganisms
Ohnuki T, Yoshida T, Ozaki T, Sakamoto F, Kozai N, Nankawa T, Suzuki Y & Francis A