Xie Shucheng
Return of Archean Low Sulfate Levels during the Earliest Mesoproterozoic Oceans
Luo G, Ono S, Huang J, Li C, Liu J & Xie S
Altitudinal δ18O Gradients from Chinese Stalagmites Provide Records of Holocene Humidity Variation
Hu C, Henderson GM, Liao J, Ruan J, Li C, Xie S & Johnson K
Xie Shucheng
A Highly Redox-Heterogeneous Ocean in South China during the Early Cambrian (~529-514 Ma): Implications for Biota-Environment Co-evolution
Li C, Jin C, Algeo T, Planavsky N, Cui H, Yang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X & Xie S
Multiple Sulfur-Isotopic Evidence for Prolonged Earliest Jurassic Euxinia
Luo G, Richoz S, van de Schootbrugge B, Algeo T, Xie S, Ono S & Summons R
Oxygenation of Deep Continental Basins and Colonization of Complex Marine Biotas during Cambrian Age 4 (~514-509 Ma) in South China
Jin C, Li C, Algeo TJ, Planavsky NJ, Cheng M, Yang X, Zhao Y & Xie S
Xie Shucheng
Variability in Vegetation and Depositional Environment
as Reflected by Organic Geochemical Analysis in the
Neogene Lignite Sequences from the Zhaotong Basin,
Yunnan(SW China)
Zheng L, Huang X, Ji X, Deng C & Xie S
Xie Shucheng
Lipid Biomarker and Isotopic Characteristics of Mesoproterozoic Rocks Formed in Different Sedimentary Environments
Luo G, Chen X, Xie S, Zhang X & Summons R
Xie Shucheng
Lipid Proxies of Hydroclimate Driven by Tropical Pacific Ocean in East Asian Monsoon Regions
Xie S, Griffiths M, Burls N & Lu J
Xie Shucheng
Calibration of Bacterial 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid Based Palaeoclimate Proxies in Global Soils
Wang C, Bendle JA, Yang H, Yang Y, Hardman A, Yamoah A, Thorpe A, Mandel I, Greene SE, Huang J & Xie S
Xie Shucheng
Organic Records for Progressive Ecosystem Collapse Leading to the Largest Biotic Crisis in the Phanerozoic – Alfred Treibs Medal Lecture
Xie S, Algeo TJ, Wignall PB, Love GD, Wu J & Luo G
Xie Shucheng
Molecular Indicators of Microbial Community Change Linked to Terrestrial Inputs during the Ordovician-Silurian Transition (Kentucky, USA)
Song Y, Algeo TJ, Brett CE, Liu Z, Wei W, Cole F, Xie S, Huang J & Wang J
Xie Shunxing
Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle in Numerical Models of Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics
Tackley PJ & Xie S
Xie Shuyun
Evaluation of Ore-Forming Potential by Fractal/Multifractal Analysis
Xie S, Ke X, Huang K, Cheng Q & Bao Z
Xie Sitan
The Future of Lipids as Tools to Study Microbes and Biogeochemical Processes in the Deep Biosphere
Hinrichs K-U, Lipp JS, Meador TB, Wegener G & Xie S
Xie Siwen
Crustal Growth of North China as Revealed by Detrital Zircons
Yang J, Gao S, Chen C, Tang Y, Yuan H, Gong H, Xie S & Wang J
Xie T.
Simultaneous Redox Conversion of Chromate and Arsenite in the UV/Acetylacetone Process
Zhang S, Xie T, Wu B & Chen Z
Xie Wei
Metagenomics Assisted Investigations of the Metabolic Diversities of Microbial Communities in the Chimneys at Juan de Fuca Ridge
Wang F, Zhou H, Meng J, Zhang C, Zhou J, Xie W, Xu A, Zhou N & Xiao X
Xie Wei
Marine Group II Archaea are Significant Players of Carbon Cycling in Estuaries and Coastal Seas
Zhang C, Xie W, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Luo H, Sun Y, Chen S, Wang P, Hedlund B & Phelps T
Xie Wei
Blooming and Ecological Function of MG II Archaea in the Pearl River Estuary
Xie W, Chen S, Wang P & Zhang C
Xie Wei
Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Li F, Chen S, Lai D, Gao S, Xie W & Zhang C
Light Sensitivity of Marine Group II Archaea in the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary: Implication for Microbial Niche Adaptation
Xie W, Luo H, Murugapiran S, Dodsworth J, Chen S, Sun Y, Hedlund B, Wang P, Fang H, Deng M & Zhang C
The Response of Archaeal Species to Seasonal Variables in a Subtropical Aerated Soil
Xie W, Jiao N, Ma C, Phelps TJ, Zhu R & Zhang C
Diverse Biological Sources of Isoprenoid GDGTs in Terrace Soils of Southwest China and Implication for Organic Proxies
Zheng F, Chen Y, Chen S, Liu H, Xie W, Phelps TJ & Zhang C
Xie Wei
Biogeochemical Characterization of Surface Sediments along the Pearl River Estuary Transect
Xie W, Radović J, Li P, Li X, Silva R, Oldenburg T, Larter S & Zhang C
Xie Wei
Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Chen S, Xie W & Zhang C
Factors Controlling the Molecular Changes of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Pearl River Estuary
Xie W, Li P, He D, He C, Shi Q & Zhang C
Establishing a Terrestrial Proxy Based on Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter from Sediment Pore Water in the East China Sea
Li M, Xie W, Li P & Zhang C
Xie Wei
Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
Xie Weidong
The Controlling Factors and Mechanism of CO2 Enhancing Shale Gas Recovery and Geological Sequestration
Xie W, Wang H & Vandeginste V
Xie Wenjing
Contaminant Degradation by •OH during Sediment Oxygenation: Dependence on Fe(II) Species
Xie W, Yuan S, Tong M & Liao W
Xie X
The Use of GOI and MCI of Oil Inclusions in Reconstructing Petroleum Charge History of Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, the Mobei Area, Central Junggar Basin
Jin Z, Xie X, Hu W & Cao J
Early J2 Basalts in SE China: The Incipience of Large-Scale Late Mesozoic Magmatism
Xie X, Xu X, Zou H, Jiang S, Zhang M & Qiu J
Hydrogeochemistry of Formation Water in the Northern Songliao Basin, China
Cheng J, McIntosh J, Xie X & Jiao J
Expulsion of Overpressure Fluid Flow along Faults: Geochemical Evidence of Pore Water in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea
Xie X, Lu Y, Cheng J & Xie Y
Application of Geochemical Maps in China
Xie X, Wang X, Cheng H, Zhou G, Liu D & Cheng Z
Xie Xi Nong
Evaluation of Permian Marine Source Rocks Using Paleoproductivity and Paleoredox Proxy Coefficients
Chen H, Xie XN, Li HJ, Hu CY & Guo JL
Characteristics and Evolution of Geothermal Field in the Bozhong Sub-Basin, Bohaiwan Basin, China
Zhang C, Xie X, Guo X & Du X
Xie Xianjun
Synthesis of Thioarsenate Compounds and their Occurrence Characteristics in Groundwater
Sun S & Xie X
Environmental and Anthropogenic Influences on the Occurrence of Iodine Enrichment in Groundwater at the North China Plain
Li J, Xie X, Xue X & Su C
The Paleo-Climate Condition Controls Sedimentary As Burial in Datong Basin
Liu W, Xie X & Wang Y
Reactive Transport Modeling of in situ Arsenic Removal Systems in Jianghan Plain, China
Peng K, Xie X, Chai B & Zeng B
Effects of Microbial Communities on Arsenic Mobilization and Enrichment in Groundwater: Evidence from PLFA and 3D Fluorescence Analysis
Yan L, Xie X, Gan Y & Deng Y
Fate of Iodine during the Microbial Transformation of Natural Iron Minerals
Li J, Xie X, Zhou H & Xue X
Arsenic Fate in the Unsaturated Zone Upon the Water Table Fluctuation Caused by Periodic Irrigation Practices
Xie X, Xiao Z & Li J
Sediment Geochemisty of Quaternary Aquifers in Jianghan Plain, Central China: Implication of Arsenic Occurrences and Mobilization
Deng Y, Gan Y & Xie X
Stable Isotope Evidences for Groundwater Recharge and Mixing in the Datong Basin, Northern China
Li J, DePaolo D, Owens T, Wang Y & Xie X
The Enrichment of Arsenic in Groundwater from the Datong Basin, China: Evidences from Iron, Sulfur and Carbon Isotope Studies
Xie X & Wang Y