Xiao Yan
LA-MC-ICPMS Iron Isotopic Measurements of Zoned Olivine
Sio CKI, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Chaussidon M, Helz R, Roskosz M, Xiao Y & Ireland T
Xiao Yan
Geochemical Evolution of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle of Ethiopian Plateau and Rift Zone
Melesse A, Zhang H-F, Tang Y-J, Xiao Y, Samuel A & Muhammed H
Iron Isotopes Constrain the Origin of the Luobusa Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Xiao Y, Su B-X, Zhou M-F, Zhu B, Shi R-D, Huang Q-S, Gong X-H & He Y-S
Xiao Yan
Zinc Isotope Fractionation during Partial Melting of the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Wang Z-Z, Liu S-A, Liu J, Huang J & Xiao Y
Xiao Yan
High Temperature Inter-Mineral Cr Isotope Fractionation: Ionic Model Constraint and Implication for Mantle Xenoliths from North China Craton
Shen J, Fang Z, Qin L, Zhang Q, Xiao Y & Yu H
Xiao Yi
Size Effect in the Adsorption of Gold Nanoparticles on Pyrite Surfaces
Fu Y, Qin Z, Li S, Xiao J, Xiao Y & Wan Q
A Thermogravimetric Study of Thermally Treated Silica Nanoparticles
Wan Q, Xiao Y & Baran G
Xiao Yi-Hua
Effects of Iron and Aluminium on the Biodegradation of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter
Xiao Y-H, Hoikkala L, Kasurinen V, Tiirola M, Kortelainen P & Vähätalo AV
Xiao Yilin
Microdiamond in Orogenic Peridotite: Implications for Carbon Cycling into Mantle Depths
Wang X, Xiao Y, Schertl H-P, Sobolev N, Wang Y & Jin D
Supercritical Fluid in Deep Subduction Zones: Evidence from Multiphase Fluid Inclusions in UHP Metamorphic Veins, Dabieshan, China
Jin D, Xiao Y, Tan D, Wang X, Wang Y & Su W
Testing Effectiveness of Lithium Isotopes in Tracing Climate Using Miocene Mudrocks from the Qaidam Basin
Li S, Nie J, Ren X, Xing L, Tong F & Xiao Y
Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Carboniferous Seawater: Implications for Initiating and Maintaining the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
Wang Y, Xiao Y, Sun H, Tong F, Gu H & Lu Y
Mg Isotopic Fractionation Involving Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Recorded in the Himalayan Granites
Li D-Y, Teng F-Z, Xiao Y, Liu Z-C, Gu H-O, Li W-Y & Wu F-Y
Intense Soil Erosion and Enhanced Chemical Weathering in the Aftermath of Snowball Earth
Sun H, Xiao Y, Tong F & Liu P
Extremely Light K Isotopes Enriched in Subducted Low-T Altered Oceanic Crust: Implications for K Recycling in the Subduction Zone
Liu H, Wang K, Sun W-D, Xiao Y & Xue Y-Y
Inter-Mineral Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionations in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphosed Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
Li W-Y, Zhang S-Y, Huang J, Huang F & Xiao Y
Copper and Zn Isotope Compositions of Altered Oceanic Crust from IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific Rise
Huang J, Liu S-A, Gao Y, Xiao Y & Huang F
High Pressure Fluid Evolution Derived from Veins in UHP Eclogites (Dabieshan, China)
Albrecht N, Wörner G, Xiao Y & van den Kerkhof AM
Element Mobility Across the Boundary between UHP Eclogite and Gneiss: Insights into Supercritical Fluids in Continental Subduction Zones
Huang J, Xiao Y & Wörner G
Mantle-Like Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Orogenic Eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu UHPM Belt, China
Li W-Y, Teng F-Z, Xiao Y & Huang J
Contrasting Behavior of Nb and Ta during Magma Differentiation and Subduction Dehydration Processes: Implications for the Continental Crust
Xiao Y, Huang J, Gao Y & Wu W
Lithium and Boron Isotope Systematics during Subduction and Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Sulu, East China
Xiao Y, Hoefs J & Zhang Z
Li and B Isotope Characteristics of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Sulu, China
Xiao Y, Romer RL, Hoefs J & Meixner A
Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu Terrain: Constraints on the Timing of Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism
Schmidt A, Weyer S, Xiao Y, Hoefs J & Brey GP
Fluid/rock Interactions in UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Drill Holes in Donghai, Sulu, China: Preliminary Results
Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Zhang Z & van den Kerkhof A
Xiao Ying Kai
A Surprising Correlation between Magnesium Isotope Composition and pH in Synthetic Calcium Carbonates Precipitated from Saline Water
Li SZ, Zhu XK, Xiao YK & He X
Xiao Yingkai
Effect of Concentration-Dilution Cycle on the Variation in δ37Cl Values in Evaporites
Luo C, Wen H, Xu L, Xiao Y & He M
Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Leachates Acid-Soluble in Loess-Paleosol Sediments from Chinese Loess Plateau of Luochuan
He M, Jin Z, Dong J, Gou L, Deng L & Xiao Y
Xiao Yitian
Does Natural Gas Form in Isotopic Equilibrium?
Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Ponton C, Kitchen N, Peterson B, Lawson M, Formolo M, Xiao Y & Eiler J
Multi-Phase Reactive Flow and Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in the Mt. Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest USA
Liu F, Lu P, Xiao Y & Zhu C
Xiao Yuanyuan
Positive Correlations of Heavy Fe-Zn-Mo Isotopes with Incompatible Element Abundances and Sr-Nd-Hf Radiogenic Isotope Enrichments in MORB Melts
Niu Y, Sun P, Guo P, Chen S, Chen Y, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xiao Y, Chen T & Gao Q
Atypical Seasonality of the Silicon Cycle in the Yellow River Estuary and Bohai Sea Revealed by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Cui Q, Liu X, Wang Z, Sun W, Xiao Y & Sun X
Active Silicate Alterations and its Role in Major Cation Sinks in Volcanic Ash-Rich Hikurangi Margin Sediments
Cui Q, Luo M, Hong W-L, Huang T-H, Xiao Y & Sun X
Magnesium Isotope Variation in the Subduction Channel
Xiao Y & Yao Y
The Varying Contribution of the Subducted Slab on the Heterogeneous Mantle Source for Boninite, Evidence from Iron Isotope Variations
Xiao Y, Yao Y, Huang Z & Li Y
MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y
Mineral Chemistry of Syn-Collisional Granitoids and the Implications for Juvenile Crust Formation and Adakitic Magmatism
Xiao Y, Chen S & Niu Y
The Effects of High-Pressure Metasomatic Fluids on Blueschist-Facies Overprints of Eclogites from the Subduction Channel
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Lin J & Xu Y
The Finding of a Titanite-Rich Zone in Omphacite Epidosite and its Geochemical Implication for Subduction-Zone Metamorphism
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Zhang H, Wang K-L, Iizuka Y, Lin J & Xu Y
Trace Element Redistribution in Oceanic Crust during Subduction-Zone Metamorphism – Evidence from Western Tianshan, China
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Li H, Wang H, Davidson J & Liu X
Xiao Yuming
Spin Transition of Iron in Amorphous Mg-Silicates at Mantle-Related Pressures
Shim S-H, Gu C, Catalli K, Grocholski B, Gao L, Alp E, Chow P, Xiao Y, Cynn H & Evans W
Partitioning of Nb between Rutile and NaAlSi3O8-, NaCl- and NaF- Aqueous Fluids at 1-5 GPa and 300-600℃
Tanis E, Simon A, Tschauner O, Chow P, Xiao Y, Hanchar J, Shen G & Zhao Y
In situ SXRF Determination of Trace Element Abundances in Aqueous Fluid at 1 – 3 GPa and 300 – 500℃: Applications to Subduction Zone Element Cycling
Simon A, Tanis E, Tschauner O, Frank M, Chow P, Xiao Y, Shen G & Hanchar J
Xiao Zhongfeng
Mobilization and Re-distribution of Major and Trace Elements during Extreme Weathering of Basalt in Guangzhou Province, South China
Xiao Z
Xiao Zicong
Equilibrium Ag Isotopes Fractionation between Minerals and Aqueous Solutions: Insight from ab Initio Calculations and Equilibrium Experimental
Fang Y, Xiao Z & Huang F
The Reduced Partition Function Ratios of K and Ca Isotopes in Feldspars: Insight from Deep Neural Network Potentials
Xiao Z, Kang J, Wang D, Deng G, Wu Z & Huang F
First-Principle Calculations of Equilibrium Mg Isotopic Fractionations Among Mg-Phosphates and the Implications for Tracing the Existence of Struvite in Planetary Waters
Xiao Z, Hao J, Liu C & Huang F
First-Principle Calculations of Equilibrium Barium Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Minerals and its Implications
Xiao Z, Wang W, Wu Z & Huang F
Modification of Fluids in Subduction Channel: Evidence from Barium Isotopes of Western Alps Whiteschis
Chen A, Gu X, Zeng Z, Xiao Z, Chen Y-X & Huang F
Xiao Ziyi
Arsenic Fate in the Unsaturated Zone Upon the Water Table Fluctuation Caused by Periodic Irrigation Practices
Xie X, Xiao Z & Li J
Xiao Zufei
Bacterial Wilt Occurring at Regular Intervals in Suburban Agriculture Facilitated the Spread of Antibiotic Resistomes in the Soil-Plant System
Xiao Z, Li G & Zhu Y-G
Xiao dong F.
Distribution of Different Quality Shale in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Middle and Upper Yangtze Region and its Oil and Gas Geological Significance
Xiao dong F, Yana C, Li W & Xiaofang W
Xiao-Feng L.
Fault Tectono-Geochemistry and Prognosis of Concealed Ores in the Tongchang Cu-Au Polymetallic Orefield, Shaanxi, China
Run-Sheng H, Xiao-Feng L, De-Yun M, Geng-Sheng M & Zhi-Cai T
Xiaofang W.
Distribution of Different Quality Shale in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Middle and Upper Yangtze Region and its Oil and Gas Geological Significance
Xiao dong F, Yana C, Li W & Xiaofang W
Xiaofeng L.
Geochemistry and Geochronology of Porphyry Deposits in Edrene Range, South West Mongolia
Jargalan S, Enkhjargal B, Gurbadam E-O, Yasuhito O & Xiaofeng L
Xiaohui C.
Evolution and Depositing Response during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Dunhua Basin, Northeastern China
Xiaohui C, Ting-Shan Z & Liu Z
Xiaojing W.
A Potential Source of Fe and Other Metals from the Hydrothermal Sediments in the Southern Okinawa Trough
Li L, Xiaojing W, Jihua L, Huy. H. D & Shi X
Xiaolin Z.
δ34S and Δ33S Records of Sedimentary Pyrites Across the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition from Xiaotan Section, Yunnan, South China
Ying L, Nanping W, Yanan S, James F, Xiaolin Z, Guijie Z, Da L & Hongfei L
Xiaoming C
A Study on Copper Isotope Compositions of Dexing Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit of Jiangxi, China
Lu J, Renmin H, Shaoyong J, Xiaoming C & Jianfeng G
Xiaoming Chen
The Evolution of Clay Minerals and Rift Structure in Zhanhua Depression, China
Ming Z, Junfeng J, Xiaoming C, Changzhi W, Bing W & Yuguan P