All abstracts by Elizabeth Swanner in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) A Place in our World: What the Iron Cycle in Ferruginous Lakes can Teach us About Past Ferruginous OceansSwanner E, Akam SA, Chamberlain M, Heard AW & Meyer JR
(2024) Was Early Photosynthesis Constrained by Ferruginous Conditions?
Chamberlain M & Swanner E
(2024) Examining the Molybdenum Paleo-Redox Proxy in Modern Ferruginous Waters
Rico K, Swanner E & Anbar AD
(2023) Incorporation of Iodine in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Implications for Methane Flux Dynamics
Akam SA, Hardisty D, Feng D, Wang X, Hashim M, Burke J, Swanner E, Crémière A & Peckmann J
(2022) Carbon Budget of a Ferruginous Meromictic Lake with Ebullitive Methane Fluxes
Akam SA, Swanner E & Wittkop C
(2022) Preservation Protocols for Oxygen-Sensitive Minerals within Laminated Aquatic Sediments for Spectroscopic and Other Geochemical Analyses
Swanner E, Islam R & Ledesma G
(2021) Is the Uranium Isotope Proxy a Reliable Indicator of Ferruginous Conditions?
Perez JT, Gilleaudeau G, Swanner E & Romaniello SJ
(2021) Quantifying the Groundwater Source of Iron to Redox-Stratified Lakes in Minnesota, U.S.A
Swanner E, Meyer JR & Alexander S
(2021) Siderite Precipitation from a Carbonate Green-Rust Precursor in Ferruginous Canyon Lake
Wittkop C, Grengs A, Ledema G, Xiong Y, Poulton SW, Katsev S & Swanner E
(2019) Contribution of Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria to Carbon Fixation and Arsenic Immobilization in Paddy Soil
Tong H, Liu C, Swanner E, Chen M, Li F & Liu Y
(2019) Could Negative Carbonate Carbon Isotope Excursions be a Primary Signal in Ferruginous Environments?
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A & Katsev S
(2018) Uranium Isotope Fractionation Factors in Ferruginous Settings
Cole D, Longley M, Wilkes D, Wang X, Swanner E, Witkop C, Sperling E & Planavsky N
(2018) Fate of Cobalt and Nickel during Diagenetic Pyrite Formation
Swanner E, Webb S & Kappler A
(2018) Two Ferruginous Midwestern Lakes Exhibit Vastly Different Fluxes of Methane
Lambrecht N, Wittkop C, Katsev S, Fakraee M & Swanner E
(2018) Dissolved Iron as a Driving Factor of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms
Leung T & Swanner E
(2018) Manganese Carbonates Linked to Methane Oxidation in Ferruginous Environments
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A, Myrbo A & Katsev S
(2018) Microbes and Minerals from Two Ferruginous Lakes on a Spectrum of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Fakhraee M, Sheik C, Katsev S & Wittkop C
(2016) Iron Speciation and Iron Isotopes of Neoarchean Ca-Mg Carbonates
Eroglu S, Swanner E, Pascarelli S, Schoenberg R, Taubald H & Beukes N