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All abstracts by Kai Rankenburg in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) In situ Garnet Lu–Hf via LA-ICP-MS/MS: New Reference Materials and Approaches to Enhance Instrument Sensitivity
Vieira Ribeiro B, Kirkland CL, Smit M, Musiyachenko K, Evans N, Rankenburg K, McDonald B, Glorie S & Gilbert S

(2024) Comparing CRC-Mc-ICPMS to QQQ-ICPMS/MS for in situ Rb-Sr Applications
Rankenburg K, Vieira Ribeiro B, Evans N, McDonald B & McInnes BIA

(2024) Fingerprinting the Refining of Spodumene into Lithium Chemicals
Oskierski HC, Wijewardhana TDU, Honra A, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Vasilyev P, Pang C & Senanayake G

(2024) Improving Accuracy and Precision of Zircon (U–Th)/He Dates by Rectifying Parent Nuclide Zonation with Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS)
Danisik M, Marsden RC, Rickard WDA, Rankenburg K, Kirkland CL & Evans N

(2022) Muscovite as Tracer for the Evolution of Spodumene-Bearing LCT-Pegmatites
Chischi J, Oskierski HC, Alhadad MF, Deditius AP, Rankenburg K, Senanayake G, Roberts MP & Dlugogorski BZ

(2020) β-Cristobalite in Libyan Desert Glass
Cavosie AJ, Ricard WD, Evans N, Rankenburg K & Koeberl C

(2018) Evaluating Nd Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Enstatite Chondrites
Brandon A, McLeod C, Rankenburg K & Becker H

(2016) Application of the U-Th Chronometer to Modern Dating: U Metal CRM 112-A and Marine Carbonates
Rankenburg K & McCulloch MT

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