All abstracts by Maija Raudsepp in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Evaluating the Link between Mineralogy and Alkalinity Generation for Carbon Sequestration Potential in Mine SitesRosa VM, Hussain A, Bates B, Friedlander B, Turvey CC, Power IM, Angai J, Raudsepp M, Baumgartner R & Wilson S
(2024) Alkalinity as a Control on the Precipitation of Mg-Carbonate Minerals in Alkaline Lakes on the Cariboo Plateau and Atlin Playa, British Columbia, Canada
Raudsepp M, Wilson S, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML & Power IM
(2023) Ni Recovery by Precipitation of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg- and Mg-Carbonates and their Crystalline Transformation Products
Patel AS, Wilson S, Harrison A & Raudsepp M
(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V
(2022) Crystallization of Amorphous Ca-, Ca-Mg, and Mg- Carbonates in Water-Limited Systems
Patel AS, Raudsepp M, Wilson SA & Harrison A
(2022) Constraining the Role of Poorly Crystalline Mg-Phyllosilicates in Carbonate Precipitation in Lacustrine Environments
Arizaleta ML, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M & Wilson SA
(2022) Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes and Trace Metals during Ca‑Mg Carbonate Transformation in Diagenetic Conditions
Vessey C, Li Y, Raudsepp M, Brazier J-M, Harrison A, Wilson SA & Mavromatis V
(2021) Humidity-Controlled Phase Transitions of Amorphous Ca-Mg Carbonates (ACMC)
Patel A, Wilson S, Raudsepp M & Harrison A
(2021) Partitioning of Fe during Carbonation of Fe-Rich Brucite
Vessey C, Wilson S, Raudsepp M & Harrison A
(2020) Carbonation of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Zhu B, Wilson SA, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M, Wang B, Rostron B, Snihur K, von Guten K, Harrison A & Alessi D
(2020) New Perspectives on Carbonate Mineral Behaviour for Carbon Accounting and Carbon Utilization
Wilson S, Turvey C, Morgan B, Cheng J, Raudsepp M, Hamilton J, Power I, Zeyen N, Fallon S, McCutcheon J & Southam G
(2020) The Amorphous-To-Crystalline Transition in the Ca–Mg–carbonate System as a Function of Composition, Time and Temperature
Cheng J, Wilson S & Raudsepp M
(2020) Non-Classical Crystallization of Anhydrous Ca and Mg Carbonates from the Coorong Lakes, Australia
Raudsepp M, Wilson S, Morgan B & Fallon S
(2018) Anaerobic Methanotrophy Coupled to Ferric Iron Reduction in an Australia Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Evans P, Tyson G, Golding S, Wilson S & Southam G
(2016) Effect of Bituminous Coal on Methanogenesis
Raudsepp M, Gagen E, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2015) Biogenic Methane Cycling in a Laboratory Model of an Abandoned Bituminous Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2012) Archean Laboratory Models Possessing Photosynthetic Microbial Mats
Raudsepp M, Banerjee N & Southam G