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All abstracts by Indrani Mukherjee in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Finding Ni-Mo – Disentangling Ore Genesis Models for Metalliferous Black Shales
Mukherjee I, Gregory DD & Chappaz A

(2023) Trace Element Archives in Deep Time: Availability vs Bioavailability
Mukherjee I

(2022) Marine Pyrite Trace Element Database and its Multiple Applications
Mukherjee I, Large RR & Corkrey R

(2022) Trace Metal – Pyrite Interactions during Early-Diagenesis: Calibrating The Paleoproxy
Figueroa MC, Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Mukherjee I, Swing MR, Kukkadapu R & Lyons TW

(2021) Precambrian Ocean-Atmosphere Evolution Based on the Archive of Sedimentary Pyrite
Large RR & Mukherjee I

(2020) The GOE and Oxygen Trends in the Proterozoic Atmosphere
Large R, Mukherjee I, Blamey N, Hazen R & Corkrey R

(2020) #The Brilliant Billion that Gave the Planet Animal Evolution
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R & Large R

(2019) Characterising Trace Element Distribution in Pyritised Microfossils: A Tool to Test Biogenicity
Mukherjee I, Corkrey R, Goemann K, Large R & Danyushevksy L

(2018) How Robust is Sedimentary Pyrite Trace Element Geochemistry as a Geochemical Proxy?
Mukherjee I, Large R, Corkrey R, Willink R & Stepanov A

(2018) Earth System Evolution in the Proterozoic – The Story from Marine Pyrite
Large R & Mukherjee I

(2017) REE Evidence for Elevated pCO2 throughout the Boring Billion
Large R, Mukherjee I, Zhukova I & Stepanov S

(2017) The Boring Billion, a Slingshot for Complex Life on Earth
Mukherjee I, Large R & Danyushevsky L

(2016) Potential Controls on Evolution of Complex Eukaryotic Organisms by Bio-Essential Trace Element Availability in Proterozoic Oceans: Evidence from the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Mukherjee I & Large R

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