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All abstracts by Nadine Lehmann in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Characterizing Water Mass Origins and Nutrient Sources and Sinks in Baffin Bay Using Multiple Geochemical Tracers
Manning CCM, Bourbonnais A, Granger J, Hamme RC, Lehmann N, Valerio D, Perin D, Raftery E, Deslongchamps G, Gagnon J, Zheng Z, Fenwick L, McCulloch RD, Mottram J, Altabet MA, Tremblay J-É, Yeung LY, Young ED & Tortell PD

(2020) Dual Nitrate Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Nutrients in Baffin Bay and in the Labrador Sea
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Buchwald C, Davin S, Granger J & Sherwood O

(2019) Nitrate Isotope Distributions along the Canadian Arctic GEOTRACES Transect: Implications for High-Latitude Nitrogen Cycling
Lehmann N, Kienast M, Granger J & Tremblay J-É

(2018) Exploring the Influence of the Southern Ocean on Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics in the Equatorial Pacific during the Last 25, 000 Years
Kienast M, Rafter P & Lehmann N

(2018) On the Origin of the Deep N Deficit in Baffin Bay: Insights from Isotopic Signatures of Nitrate and Nitrous Oxide
Lehmann N, Kienast M, Granger J, Bourbonnais A, Altabet M & Tremblay J-É

(2016) Tracing Ocean Circulation in the Western Equatorial Pacific with Carbon, Nitrate, and Neodymium Isotopes
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Martinez Mendez G, Hathorne E, Plaß A, Hollstein M, Granger J & Mohtadi M

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