All abstracts by Cornelius Fischer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Evaluation of Sorption and Mobilization Processes Utilizing in situ Positron Emission TomographySchöngart J & Fischer C
(2024) How Crystal Surface Nanotopography Controls Surface Reactivity
Zhou W & Fischer C
(2024) Parametrization of Intrinsic Surface Reactivity in Reactive Transport Models
Fischer C & Schabernack J
(2023) Numerical Analysis of Heterogeneous Diffusion in Complex Materials Exemplified by Radionuclide Migration in the Sandy Facies of the Opalinus Clay
Yuan T & Fischer C
(2023) Fluid Transport in Ordinary Portland Cement (CEMI) and Slag Cement (CEMIII) Waste Forms from in situ Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Reiss AG, Kulenkampff J, Schoengart J, Bar-Nes G, Fischer C & Emmanuel S
(2022) Site-Specific Europium Adsorption on Muscovite (001) Surfaces
Schabernack J, Oliveira AF, Heine T & Fischer C
(2021) The Contribution of Hydrodynamic Processes to Calcite Dissolution Rate Spectra: Measurements and Simulations
Wolthers M, Agrawal P, Bollermann T, Iliev O, Fischer C & Raoof A
(2021) Analysis of Heterogeneity and Anisotropy of Diffusivity in the Sandy Facies of Opalinus Clay Host Rocks Using Multi-Scale Digital Rock Physics
Yuan T, Yang Y, Deissmann G & Fischer C
(2020) Closing the Gap between Nano- and Pore Scale: Upscaling Strategies Using Computational Geometry
Rohlfs RD, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2020) Crystal Surface Reactivity Analysis Across Scales: Combined Experimental and Numerical Insight
Fischer C, Kahl W-A, Yuan T, Bollermann T & Bach W
(2019) Predicting the Heterogeneity of Actinide Retention at the Pore Scale of Host Rocks
Yuan T, Bollermann T & Fischer C
(2019) Dissolution Variability of Sandstone Calcite Cement
Trindade Pedrosa E, Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A
(2019) Interacting Surface Features – Data Analysis of Calcite Dissolution Rate Spectra
Rohlfs RD, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2018) Tiny but Timely: Crystal Surface Reactivity Constraints on Diagenesis
Fischer C
(2018) Pulsating Dissolution of Crystalline Matter
Fischer C & Luttge A
(2018) Pore-Scale Quantification of Calcite Cement Reaction Kinetics
Trindade Pedrosa E, Heidsiek M, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2018) From Atomic Simulations to Larger System Sizes – New Approaches to Upscaling Surface Reactivity
Rohlfs RD, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2018) Reactive Transport Modeling Using Heterogeneous Flow Field Data Based on Positron Emission Tomography
Lippold H, Kulenkampff J, Karimzadeh L, Stuhlfauth C, Lippmann-Pipke J & Fischer C
(2017) Kinetic Concepts for Quantitative Prediction of Fluid-Solid Interactions
Luttge A, Arvidson RS & Fischer C
(2017) Dissolution Kinetics of the Annite – Phlogopite System: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Macke E, Peter M, Schabernack J, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2017) Quantitative Analysis of Solid Solution Dissolution Kinetics
Lange I, Fischer C, Arvidson RS & Luttge A
(2017) Upscaling of Dissolution Rate Contributors from the Atomic Scale to the Macroscopic Scale
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I, Kahl W-A, Bollermann T, Prüße F, Bach W & Luttge A
(2017) Kinetic Monte Carlo Study on Dissolution Kinetics of Different Sheet Silicate Octahedral Structures
Schabernack J, Macke E, Peter M, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2017) Dissolution Kinetics of Polycrystalline Calcite
Bollermann T, Fischer C, Lüttge A & Siegesmund S
(2017) Weighted Voronoi Simulation of the Dissolution of the Calcite Cleavage (104) Surface
Rohlfs RD, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2017) The Influence of Carbonate Alkalinity on Calcite Dissolution Kinetics: An Experimental Study
Prüsse F, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2017) Analysis of Surface Topography Under External Stress Using Vertical Scanning Interferometry
Heuer J, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2017) Interaction of Dislocations during Mica Dissoultion- a Kinetic Monte Carlo Study
Peter M, Schabernack J, Macke E, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2017) Understanding Variation in Dolomite Dissolution Rate at Low pH
Bibi I, Arvidson R, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2015) Prediction of Porosity Evolution in Polycrystalline Material: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Study Using the Rate Spectra Concept
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A
(2015) Ostwald Ripening as an Entrance to Coupled Kinetic Systems
Briese L, Arvidson R, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2015) Surface Site Specific Attachment of Microbes in the Context of Calcite Dissolution
Hoog Antink M, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Lüttge A
(2015) Dissolution Kinetics of Albite Crystals and Glass: An Experimental Comparison
Socaciu A, Filipescu R, Arvidson RS, Fischer C, Bach W & Luttge A
(2015) Crystal Dissolution Studied by a Combination of Kinetic Monte Carlo and Voronoi Methods
Rohlfs RD, Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A
(2015) Dissolution Rate Contributors in an Isochemical System of Glass and Crystals
Filipescu R, Fischer C, Socaciu A & Luttge A
(2015) Why are Sedimentary Dolomites Disordered and Metastable?
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Dietzel M, Fichtner V, Fischer C, Hippler D, Leis A, Nickel C, Mavromatis V & Strauss H
(2015) Colloidal Retention on Crystal Surfaces – An Experimental Analogue Study
Gockeln M, Fischer C, Kiefer P & Luttge A
(2015) Improved Quantification of Glass Corrosion
Kiefer P, Fischer C, Ritter S, Schuhmacher J, Corvers S, Kuhr M & Lüttge A
(2015) Dissolution of ZnO Single Crystals and the Fate of Nanoparticles in the Environment
Michaelis M, Fischer C, Colombi Ciacchi L & Luttge A
(2015) Kinetic Monte Carlo Models: A Powerful Tool to Predict Mineral Reaction Kinetics
Luttge A, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Arvidson R
(2014) Synthetic Dissolution Rate Spectra
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A
(2013) Can We Learn About Bacterial Attachment at Mineral Surfaces Through Colloid Adsorption Experiments?
Fischer C, Konneke M, Arvidson RS, Hinrichs K & Luttge A
(2013) The Stochastic Treatment of Mineral Surface Reaction Kinetics
Arvidson R, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2013) Biotite and Phlogopite Dissolution: Topographic Observation by VSI
Cappelli C, Cama J, Huertas FJ, Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2013) Driving Mineral Dissolution Studies in a New Direction
Luttge A, Fischer C, Arvidson RS & Kurganskaya I
(2013) Early Diagenetic Quartz Formation at a Deep Iron Oxidation Front in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Meister P, Chapligin B, Picard A, Meyer H, Fischer C, Rettenwander D, Amthauer G, Vogt C & Aiello I
(2012) Filamentous Microorganisms Interacting with Sheet Silicates
Zidan W, Nietzsche S, Fischer C, Kothe E & Gaupp R
(2011) Retention of Colloids at Rough Rock Surfaces
Fischer C, Darbha G, Michler A & Schäfer T
(2011) How Crystalline Matter Dissolves: Contours of a Comprehensive Stochastic Model
Luttge A, Arvidson RS, Kurganskaya I & Fischer C
(2010) Retention of Colloids at Rough Mineral Surfaces: An Analog Study
Darbha G, Michler A, Schafer T, Luttge A & Fischer C
(2010) Are Rock Dissolution Rates Predictable from Lab Experiments?
Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2010) Quantitative Studies on the Relationship between Surface Roughness and Bacterial Adhesion
Salas E, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2010) Low Temperature Porosity Preserving Microquartz from Upper Cretaceous Sandstones of the Subhercynian Basin (Germany)
French M, Worden R, Mariani E, Horn W, Kliewer C, Lamberti W, Mueller R & Fischer C
(2009) Fungal Weathering of Black Shale and Graphite Surfaces
Siegel D, Fischer C, Kothe E, Lüttge A & Gaupp R
(2009) Cycling of Fe by Siderophilic Cyanobacteria: Implications for an Early Biosphere
Brown I, Thomas-Keprta K, Sarkisova S, Fischer C, Luttge A, Arvidson R, Shen G, Bryant D, Galindo, Jr C, Garrison D, Clarke W & McKay D
(2009) Retention of Latex Colloids on Calcite as a Function of Surface Roughness
Darbha G, Schäfer T, Luttge A & Fischer C
(2009) From Field to Lab: Glass Dissolution Rates and Sub-Micron Topography
Fischer C, White A & Luttge A
(2008) Resolution of Crystal Dissolution and Growth Processes at Multiple Scales
Arvidson R, Fischer C & Luttge A
(2008) Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Crystal Dissolution
Luttge A, Arvidson R & Fischer C
(2008) Insights into the Kinetics of Acid Corrosion Reactions from Direct Analysis of Surface Morphology
Machnikova E, Arvidson R, Fischer C, Luttge A & Whitmire K
(2008) The Relationship between Crystal Surface Reactivity and Surface Roughness
Fischer C, Zhang L & Luttge A
(2008) Formation of Membrane Vesicles on Cyanobacteria Surfaces
Dittrich M, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2008) In Search of the Microbe/Solid Interface: A New Approach Using Super-Resolution Vertical Scanning Interferometry Measurements
Nealson K, Waters MS, El-Naggar M, Fischer C, Arvidson R & Luttge A
(2007) Kink Sites: A Key to Surface Reactivity and Dissolution Kinetics
Luttge A, Fischer C, Zhang L & Arvidson R
(2007) The Concept of Convergence in Surface Roughness and its Relationship to Rock and Mineral Surface Reactivity
Fischer C & Lüttge A
(2006) Are there interrelations between iron oxide surface area and the trace metal content?
Fischer C & Lüttge A