All abstracts by Daniel Fliegel in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Geodynamic Implications of New U-Pb Zircon Ages for the Kamanjab Inlier (NW-Namibia)Kleinhanns IC, Wilsky F, Nolte N, Becker T, Hansen BT, Klemd R & Fliegel D
(2011) Nanoscale Structural Variation in Pyrobitumen of the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia
van Zuilen M, Fliegel D, Wirth R, Lepland A, Qu Y, Schreiber A, Romashkin A & Philippot P
(2009) Combined FIB and TEM Analysis of Tubular Alteration Textures in Pillow Lavas from the 2.0 Ga Pechenga Greenstone Belt, Russia
Fliegel D, Wirth R, McLoughlin N & Furnes H
(2009) Pillow Lava as Microbial Habitat for 3.5 Billion Years: Petrographic Signatures of Bioalteration
Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Staudigel H, Banerjee NR, Fliegel D, Muehlenbachs K & DeWit M
(2008) Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Dating Using Multiple Channeltron Ion Counting Detection
Kosler J, Fliegel D, Slama J & Pedersen R-B
(2008) Direct in situ Dating of Titanite in Biotextures Using Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Fliegel D, Mcloughlin N, Kosler J, Banerjee N, Simonetti A & Furnes H