All abstracts by Ed C. Hathorne in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Greenland-Sourced Freshwater Traced by Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements on the North-East Greenland ShelfLaukert G, Dreyer J, Frank M, Hathorne EC & Meulenbroek K
(2018) The Congo River Plume: Tracing Continental Input Processes with Neodymium, Hafnium and Radium Isotopes and Dissolved Aluminum Concentrations
Rahlf P, Vieira LH, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Frank M & Hathorne E
(2018) Field Application of Na/Ca as Salinity Proxy in Planktonic Foraminifera
Bertlich J, Nürnberg D, Hathorne EC, Groeneveld J, Kucera M, Siccha M & Meilland J
(2016) New Insights into Ocean Circulation and Particle Interaction from a Global Dissolved Rare Earth Element Dataset
Plancherel Y, Zheng X, Scott P, Osborne A, Hathorne E, Frank M & Henderson GM
(2016) Source, Cycling and Circulation Effects on Seawater Rare Earth Elements in the NE Atlantic
Crocket K, Hill E, Abell R, Johnson C, Gary S, Brand T & Hathorne E
(2016) Dissolved Nd Isotope and REE Distributions Trace Interannual Variability of Water Mass Mixing and Water-Sediment Interaction in the Laptev Sea
Laukert G, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Bauch D, Wegner C, Kassens H & Timokhov L
(2016) Tracing Ocean Circulation in the Western Equatorial Pacific with Carbon, Nitrate, and Neodymium Isotopes
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Martinez Mendez G, Hathorne E, Plaß A, Hollstein M, Granger J & Mohtadi M
(2016) Dissolution Events vs. Recrystallisation: Insights from Laser Ablation Derived element/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera
Voigt J, Hathorne EC, Fietzke J, Holbourn A, Kochhann KGD & Pälike H