All abstracts by Justin Hu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Purification and Determination of Ce and U Stable Isotope Ratios Using the Double-Spike TechniquesHu J, Williams HM, Freymuth H & Bagard M-L
(2023) The Platinum Stable Isotope Signature of the Earth’s Mantle
Landon-Browne A, Freymuth H, Bagard M-L, Hu J, Shaw KMM, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2022) Incomplete Condensation of Volatile Elements as the Cause for Volatile Depletion in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Nie NX, Chen X, Hopp T, Hu J, Zhang ZJ, Teng F-Z, Shahar A & Dauphas N
(2017) Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth’s Lower Mantle and Core
Liu J, Lin J-F, Yang H, Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Hu M, Bi W, Zhao J, Alp E & Hu J
(2016) Iron Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Ab Initio, NRIXS, and Lab Experiments: The Path Forward
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Blanchard M, Alp E, Hu M, Baptiste B, Morin G, Zhao J, Hu J & Tissot F