All abstracts by Khanneh Wadinga Fomba in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Temporal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Asian Dust at TajikistanFomba KW, Müller K, Hoffer J, Althausen D, Abdullaev S, Makhmudov A & Herrmann H
(2013) Isotopic Characterization of Winter Time Aeolian Dust over Cape Verde
Kumar A, Abouchami W, Galer S, Fomba K & Andreae M
(2013) Aerosol Trace Metal Fractional Solubility and Chemical Composition of Marine Aerosols at the CVAO
Fomba KW, Müller K & Herrmann H
(2011) Chemical Analysis of Saharan Dust in Marine Aerosols
Fomba KW, Müller K, Gnauk T & Herrmann H