All abstracts by Raul O. C. Fonseca in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Redox Controls on the Fractionation of Chalcophile and Siderophile ElementsMallmann G, Fonseca R & O'Neill H
(2013) Combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet-Geochronology of Lower Crustal Rocks from Val Strona, Ivrea Zone, Italy
van de Löcht J, Schüngel M, Kleinschrodt R, Münker C, Kirchenbaur M & Fonseca R
(2013) The Unexpected ‘Compatible’ Behavior of W during Mantle Melting: Implications for the W/U Ratio of the Lunar Mantle
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, Sommer J, Sprung P, Speelmanns I & Heuser A
(2013) Sulfide Re-Os Dating in Modally Metasomatised Peridotites, Insights from Letlhakane (Botswana)
Wainwright AN, Luguet A, Fonseca ROC & Pearson DG
(2013) Insight on Formation and Evolution of Cratonic Mantle: Re-Os Dating of Single Sulfides from Somerset Mantle Xenoliths (Rae Craton, Canada)
Bragagni A, Luguet A, Pearson DG, Fonseca ROC & Kjarsgaard BA
(2013) Pre-Nucleation Clustering of Noble Metals in High-Temperature Magmatic Liquids
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Wirth R, Nagel T & Tredoux M
(2013) An Extraterrestrial Cause for the Silicate Earth’s Nb Paradox?
Münker C, Fonseca R & Schulz T
(2013) PGE-Au Potential of Sulphide-Saturated Melts from the Subcontinental Lithosphere
Kamenetsky V, Maas R, Fonseca R, Ballhaus C & Heuser A
(2011) Late Volatile Addition to Earth
Ballhaus C, Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC, Muenker C, Albarède F, Rohrbach A, Schmidt MW, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Weis U & Helmy H
(2011) The Effect of Sulfur on PGE Solubility in Silicate Melts
Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC, Ballhaus C, Jochum KP & Sylvester PJ
(2011) Experimental Constraints on the Development of Os Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Fonseca ROC, Luguet A, Ballhaus C & Pohl F
(2009) Ir Partitioning between Chromite and Silicate Melt – The Influence of fO2
Laurenz V, Ballhaus C, O'Neill HSC, Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser CC & Fonseca ROC
(2009) How Extensive is the Effect of Fe and S on the Solubility of PGE in Silicate Melts?
Fonseca R, Laurenz V, Ballhaus C & Sylvester P
(2008) Enrichment of the PGE in Magmatic Sulfide Melt
Ballhaus C, Laurenz V & Fonseca R
(2008) The Solubility of Os and Ir in Sulphide Melts: Implications for Os Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, Campbell I & O'Neill H
(2008) Effect of fS2 on Pd Solubility in Silicate Melts – Implications for PGE Enrichment Processes in Sulfide Melts
Laurenz V, Fonseca ROC & Ballhaus C
(2006) An experimental study of the chalcophile character of Re: the effect of fO2, fS2 and temperature
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, O'Neill H & Campbell I
(2004) Geochronology and PGE Geochemistry of the Pajonal-El Abra Complex (Chuquicamata, Chile)
Fonseca R, Campbell I, Allen C & Ballard J