All abstracts by Imène Esteve in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in DiamondsBureau H, Khodja H, Estève I, Charrondière-Lewis M, Gaillou E, Boulliard J-C, Beneut K, Cartigny P & Demouchy S
(2017) High-Pressure Serpentinization, Deep H2 and Abiotic Methanogenesis
Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Elmaleh A, Compagnoni R, Consuma G, Chaduteau C, Ferraris C & Esteve I
(2017) The Carbon Source for Lithospheric Diamonds
Bureau H, Remusat L, Esteve I, Pinti D & Cartigny P
(2016) Massive Production of Abiotic Methane during Subduction Evidenced in Metamorphosed Ophicarbonates from the Italian Alps
Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Compagnoni R, Chaduteau C & Esteve I