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All abstracts by Markus Adloff in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) New Earth System Modelling Constraints on Marine Carbonate Chemistry and pCO2 in the Geologic Past – R. Berner Lecture
Greene SE, Adloff M, Trudgill M, Whiteford R, Vervoort P, Rae JWB, Kirtland Turner S & Ridgwell A

(2024) Ion Content and Carbon Speciation Set Ocean Carbon and Alkalinity Inventories for Balanced Budgets
Ganey TM, Adloff M, Ridgwell A, Clegg SL, Kirtland Turner S, Paytan A & Hain M

(2023) Carbon Cycle Implications of a Dynamic, Climate-Sensitive Biological Pump
Adloff M, Dinauer A, Laufkötter C, Pöppelmeier F, Jeltsch-Thömmes A & Joos F

(2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering and Organic Carbon Burial Following the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Cui Y, Adloff M, Nsingi M, Wu Q & Planavsky NJ

(2021) A New Numerical Framework to Investigate Variations of Weathering-Tracing Isotope Systems in the Sedimentary Record
Adloff M, Greene SE, Monteiro F & Ridgewell A

(2021) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE

(2019) A New Modelling Framework to Investigate Trace Metal Dynamics during Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Adloff M, Greene SE, Ridgwell A, Parkinson IJ, Monteiro FM, Naafs BDA & Dickson AJ

(2017) Constraining Carbon Inputs during the Onset of OAE 1a via Inverse Modelling
Adloff M, Greene S, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Lunt D, Ridgwell A & Hesselbo S

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