All abstracts by David Bajnai in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Cryogenian Postglacial Climate Revealed by Dolomite Triple Oxygen IsotopesBajnai D, Stacey J, Balsliemke A, Wallace MW, Pack A, Herwartz D & Hood AVS
(2023) Tracing Vital Effects in Biogenic Carbonates via Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Klipsch S, Bajnai D, Raddatz J, Davies A, Gischler E, Fiebig J & Pack A
(2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Biogenic Carbonates: Identifying and Correcting for Non-Equilibrium Isotope Effects
Davies AJ, Guo W, Brand U, Tagliavento M, Bajnai D, Gischler E, Raddatz J, Bernecker M, Schlidt V & Fiebig J
(2021) An Experimental Constraint on the Oxygen Isotope Fractionation (18O/16O) between Water and Aqueous Hydroxide Ion
Bajnai D & Herwartz D
(2019) Long-Term Precision and Accuracy of Clumped Isotope Measurements
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Prud'homme C & Hofmann S
(2019) High-Precision Analysis of ∆48 and ∆47: Resolving Temperature from the Kinetic Information Recorded in Carbonates
Fiebig J, Bajnai D, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Mulch A, Prud'homme C & Guo W
(2018) Belemnite Clumped Isotope Record: Mesozoic Seawater T and δ18O
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Vickers M, Price GD, Wierzbowski H, Rogov M, Bodin S & Voigt S
(2017) Assessing Kinetic Fractionation in Brachiopod Calcite Using Clumped Isotopes
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Raddatz J, Tomašových A & Brand U