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All abstracts by Matthew Jerram in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Antimony Isotope Ratio Measurements Using a Desolvating Nebulizer System with Multicollector ICP-MS Detection: A Study with an Atlantic Ocean Mn Nodule
Smith F & Jerram M

(2022) Further Insights into the Chromium Stable Isotope Composition of Enstatite Chondrites
Jerram M, Bonnand P & Halliday AN

(2021) Redox Control on Chromium Isotope Behaviour in Silicate Melts
Bonnand P, Bruand E, Matzen A, Jerram M, Wood BJ, Boyet M & Halliday AN

(2018) Using Stable Chromium Isotope Measurements of Komatiites to Unlock Chromium’s Geochemical Behaviour in the Mantle
Jerram M, Bonnand P, Kerr A, Puchtel I & Halliday A

(2017) High Temperature Chromium Isotope Varitaions in the Mantle
Jerram M, Bonnand P & Halliday A

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