All abstracts by Cin-Ty Lee in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Calibrating Forsterite Content as a Measure of Melting Degree in Residual PeridotitesMou J, Lee C-T & Borchardt J
(2024) A Massif-Type Anorthosite Lens for Studying Proterozoic Crust-Forming Processes
Keller DS, Lee C-T, Peck W, Monteleone BD, Martin C, Vervoort JD & Bolge L
(2024) Copper Porphyries: From Source Rocks to Reservoirs
Lee C-T & Borchardt J
(2023) Continent Emergence Hindered by Suppressed Topography on Early Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Tang M, Chen H & Lee C-T
(2021) Carbon Cycling from Source to Sink in Magmatic Orogens
Lee C-T
(2021) A Machine Learning Model for the Differentiation of Hydrous Magma at Lower Crust
Liu B, Lee C-T & Dasgupta R
(2020) Large Silicic Eruptions, Episodic Recharge, and the Transcrustal Magmatic System
Liu B & Lee C-T
(2020) Compositional Evolution of Cretaceous Cordilleran Volcanism
Allen S, Lee C-T & Minisini D
(2020) On the Geology, Petrology and Physics of Making Copper Porphyries
Lee C-T, Tang M & Liu B
(2020) Rapid Crystal Growth Causing Trace Element and Li-Isotope Enrichments in Quartz Crystals from the Stewart Pegmatite
Phelps P, Lee C-T, Morton D & Guan Y
(2019) Initiation and Maturation of Island Arcs
Ribeiro J, Ishizuka O, Lee C-T, Martinez F, Girard G & Ohara Y
(2019) Garnet Fractionation Drives Sulfur Oxidation in Magmatic Orogens
Tang M, Lee C-T & Ji W
(2019) Lithium Systematics in Arc Magmas: Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-T, Tang M & Sun W
(2018) Making the Calc-Alkaline Continental Crust: A Cumulate Perspective
Tang M & Lee C-T
(2018) Tandem LA-ICP-MS & LIBS; A New Micro-Analytical Technique for the Measurement of Every Element in the Periodic Table
Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB, Gonzalez J, Torres M, Lee C-T, Savard D, Neumann R & Boyce JW
(2018) C, N, H, O, S and Trace Element Determinations in Organic-Rich Sediments and Some Igneous Rocks Types by Tandem LA-Libs ICP-MS
Gonzalez J, Torres M, Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB & Lee C-T
(2018) Lithium Recycling: From Mantle Melting to Surficial Mineralization
Chen C, Lee C-TA, Tang M & Sun W
(2018) Insights into Crystal Growth Rates from a Study of Orbicular Granitoids
Zhang J & Lee C-T
(2018) On Continent Formation, Unconformities and the Cambrian Explosion
Lee C-T & Jiang H
(2018) Phosphorous in Olivine from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone, East Pacific Rise and Implications for Dynamics of Magma Bodies
Sharton-Bierig E & Lee C-T
(2018) Constraining the Crystallization Rate of Large Quartz Crystals in the Stewart Pegmatite from Trace Element Disequilibria
Phelps P, Lee C-T & Morton D
(2018) Trace Elements and U-Pb Ages in Authigenic Quartz as Indicators of Paleo-Hydrologic Events
Jiang H & Lee C-T
(2017) The Fluorine and Chlorine Budget of the Earth’s Peridotite Mantle
Urann B, Le Roux V, Hammond K, Marschall H, Lee C-T & Monteleone B
(2017) Growing and Strengthening Cratonic Mantle
Lee C-T & Gerenday S
(2017) Archean Ultra-Thick Crust Reflects Mantle Overturn in Early Earth
Tang M, Rudnick R, Lee C-T & Condie K