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All abstracts by Kira Musiyachenko in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) In situ Garnet Lu–Hf via LA-ICP-MS/MS: New Reference Materials and Approaches to Enhance Instrument Sensitivity
Vieira Ribeiro B, Kirkland CL, Smit M, Musiyachenko K, Evans N, Rankenburg K, McDonald B, Glorie S & Gilbert S

(2023) Multi-Step Release of Slab-Bound Fluids Caused by Blueschist Metamorphism in the Subducting Slab (Bridge River Blueschist, British Columbia, Canada)
Goumans J, Smit M & Musiyachenko K

(2023) Taking the Pulse on Garnet Through Lu-Hf Domain Chronology in Alpine Metapelites
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M, Musiyachenko K, Majka J & Foulds I

(2019) Diamond Inclusions in Schorl-Uvite Tourmaline from the Kumdy-Kol Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rocks (Kokchetav Massif)
Korsakov A, Musiyachenko K, Rezvukhina O, Mikhailenko D, Rezvukhin D & Mikhno A

(2019) Raman Based Study of the K-Tourmaline Zoning
Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A, Zelenovskiy P & Shur V

(2017) The Behaviour of Chalcofile Elements during UHP Metamorphism: Evidence from the Kokchetav Massif by LA-ICP-MS Imaging of Sulfides
Stepanov A, Mikhno A, Musiyachenko K, Korsakov A & Large R

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