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All abstracts by Esteban Gazel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) From Source to Surface: Magmatic Timescales and Processes Leading to Eruptions from Red Crater (Tongariro, New Zealand)
Gruender K, Barker S, Rowe M, Conway C & Gazel E

(2022) 90 Million Years of the Galapagos Plume: The Evolution of Lithological Heterogeneity
Soderman CR, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Geist D, Matthews S & Williams HM

(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G

(2022) A Re-evaluation of the Al-in-Olivine Geothermometer
Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B, Li W, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Jennings E, Thy P & Grove T

(2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B

(2021) Volatile Characteristics of Central American Geothermal Fluids
Barry PH, Bekaert DV, de Moor M, Labidi J, Gazel E, Nakagawa M, Giovannelli D, Schrenk M & Lloyd K

(2020) Testing Geodynamic Models with Major Elements Geochemistry: Implications for Intraplate Volcanism
Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba A, Ballmer MD, Allison C & Gazel E

(2020) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone at Bermuda: Can Tungsten Stable Isotopes Help Differentiate Recycled Lithologies?
Mazza S, Gazel E & Kleine T

(2019) Phanerozoic Komatiites from a Reservoir at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Gazel E

(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A

(2018) The Secular Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume
Gazel E

(2018) Volatile Contents of Bubble-Bearing Melt Inclusions from Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka) Determined by Mass-Balance and Experimental Homogenization Methods
Moore L, Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Gazel E & Bodnar R

(2017) Galapagos Plume Terranes – Longevity of Plume Components
Class C, Trela J & Gazel E

(2015) Generation of Continental Crust in Oceanic Arcs
Gazel E, Hayes J, Hoernle K, Holbrook WS & Vance E

(2015) Discrimination of Subduction Components with B and Be Systematics in the Aeolian Island Arc, Italy
Zamboni D, Gazel E, Cannatelli C, Atlas ZD, Lucchi F, De Vivo B & Ryan JG

(2013) Examination of Magma Degassing Paths Based on Melt Inclusions
Bodnar R, Gazel E, Esposito R, Moore L, Steele-MacInnis M & Wallace P

(2013) Serpentinization History of the Santa Elena Complex Peridotites, Costa Rica
Schwarzenbach E & Gazel E

(2012) Contrasting Plateau- and Intra-Oceanic Arc (IOA)-related Plagiogranites, Nicoya and Santa Elena Complexes, Costa Rica
Whattam S & Gazel E

(2012) Calibration of Thermobarometry (T-P) Estimates with H2O and fO2 Data from Melt Inclusions: Results from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Western USA
Gazel E, Plank T, Forsyth DW, Bendersky C, Lee C-T & Hauri E

(2011) Melting Conditions with PRIMELT: Examples and Future Work
Gazel E, Herzberg C & Asimow P

(2010) The OIB Signature in Central America: Old Lithospheric and Young Asthenospheric Mantle Reservoirs
Gazel E, Feigenson M, Carr M & Hoernle K

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