All abstracts by Dimitri Rigoussen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Origin of Carbonate Platform Islands in the Chobe Enclave of Northern Botswana: A Stable and Clumped Isotope PerspectiveVennemann T, Rigoussen D & Verrecchia E
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L
(2023) Impact of Aging on Copper Isotopic Composition in the Brain
Lahoud-Heilbronner E, Moynier F, Mahan B, Rigoussen D & Le Borgne M
(2023) Baseline of Rubidium Isotopic Composition in Mice Organs
Rigoussen D, Moynier F & Wang B
(2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M
(2017) A Shallow-To-Deepwater Geochemical Transect of a Neoproterozoic Marinoan Cap Dolostone (Noonday Formation, Death Valley Region)
Sansjofre P, Roué L, Rigoussen D, Shapiro R, Homann M, Killingsworth B, Tanvet C & Lalonde S
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data from Earth’s Oldest Carbonate Platform (2.94 Ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Canada)
Lalonde S, Sansjofre P, Homann M, Thoby M, Rigoussen D & Fralick P