All abstracts by Katie Smart in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Geochemical and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Constraints on the Formation of a 3.53 Ga Old VMS Deposit, Nondweni Greenstone Belt, Kaapvaal CratonNetshidzivhe T, Tappe S, Wilson A, Wotzlaw J-F, Smart K, Guy B & Strauss H
(2021) Cycling of Surficial Sulphur into the Lithospheric Mantle: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton Root
Burness S, Thomassot E, Smart K & Tappe S
(2021) Calcium Isotopes in Cratonic Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Woodland AB, Harris C, Gussone N & Simonetti A
(2018) Reduced Volatile Sources for Karelian Diamonds Linked to Punctuated Ultramafic Magmatism
Smart K, Cartigny P, Tappe S, O'Brien H & Klemme S
(2017) Cycling of the Elements of Life within the Archean Crust-Mantle System
Tappe S, Smart K & Stern R
(2017) The Redox State of Mantle Eclogites
Smart K, Tappe S, Simonetti A, Simonetti S, Woodland A & Harris C
(2017) S-Bearing Metasomatism of Mantle Eclogites: Constraints from the Kaapvaal Craton and Experiments
Burness S, Smart K, Stevens G, Tappe S, Sharp ZD & Gibbons J