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My Goldschmidt

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All abstracts by Marek Stibal in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Sources, Transport, and Cycling of Mercury in Greenland over an Ice-To-Ocean Gradient
Youssef AN, Janssen SE, Tate MT, Hopf LM, Doting EL, Despins M, Hatton J, Jahnsen ML, Klímová P, Kocik EM, Kubler-Dudgeon I, Lamarche-Gagnon G, McCabe D, Píka P, Polášková AS, Poulin BA, Schartup AT, Stibal M, West J, Žarský JD, Lamborg C & Hawkings J

(2019) Biogeochemical Weathering and Riverine Nutrient Export during Glacier Retreat
Wadham JL, Hawkings J, Pryer H, Robinson LF, Hendry K, Daneri G, Lamarche-Gagnon G, Holt A, Ward R, Stibal M & Kohler T

(2018) An Interrogation into Subglacial Processes to Investigate the Variation of Silicon Isotope Composition of Glacial Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hendry K, Hawkings J, Wadham J, Kohler T & Stibal M

(2017) Subglacial Weathering Controls Silicon Isotope Composition of Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hawkings J, Hendry K, Wadham J, Kohler T, Stibal M, Beaton A, Bagshaw E & Lamarche-Gagnon G

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