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All abstracts by Brandy M Toner in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) SYnergy of Soft and Tender X-Rays for Earth Research (SYSTER)
Toner BM, Matzen SL, Gilbert B, Myneni SCB & Nico P

(2024) Carbon Matrices Support Transport of Nanoparticulate Iron from Hydrothermal Vents to Open Ocean Waters
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Ely T, Breier J, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM

(2024) SYSTER: A Program to Support Earth and Environmental Science Applications of Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy, Spectromicroscopy, and Ptychography
Toner BM & Matzen SL

(2024) The Chemical Footprint of an Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium and its Impacts on Iron Oxidation and Mineralization
Baker IR, Matzen SL, Schuler CJ, Toner BM & Girguis PR

(2024) The Role of Organosulfur in Coupled Fe-S Cycles in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Patsis AC, Starwalt-Lee R, Schuler CJ, Toner BM, Santelli CM & Sheik C

(2023) Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM

(2023) Hydrothermal Chimney Weathering Time Series, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: The View from the Sulfur Edge
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Toner BM & Jamieson J

(2023) Elucidating Hydrothermal Vent Particulate Contributions to Global Marine Iron Cycling Using a Multi-Modal XAS and XRF Approach
Stewart B, Wackett A, Ely T & Toner BM

(2023) Sediments in Deep Fracture Networks Reveal Divergent Sulfur Cycles
Schuler CJ, Patsis AC, Sheik C, McDermott JM, Santelli CM & Toner BM

(2023) Utilization of X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure to Identify Iron Speciation in an Experimentally Warmed Bog
Pacheco M, Pierce C, Kolka R, Sebestyen S, Hall S, Arnold W & Toner BM

(2022) Active and Extinct Chimneys in the Endeavour Vent Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge, ne Pacific Ocean Show Similar Mineralogy with Distinct Trace Metal Fingerprints
Nicholas SL, Papanicolaou EA, Tappero RV, Northrup P, Bak SM, Toner BM & Jamieson J

(2022) Spectroscopy Reveals Biofilm-Hosted Life in Deep Subsurface Sediments
Schuler CJ, Marcus MA, Santelli CM & Toner BM

(2022) Characteristics of Hydrothermally Derived Particles from Globally Distributed Deep-Sea Vent Fields
Toner BM, Wackett AA, Kamermans BR, Matzen SL, Ely T, Achterberg EP & German CR

(2022) Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM

(2021) Effects of Ocean Chemistry on Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles
Matzen S, Ely T, Wacket A, Gartman A, German C & Toner BM

(2021) Investigating the Nano- and Micro-Scale Features of Continental Fractured-Rock Deep Biosphere
Toner BM, Schuler C, Nicholas SL, Tappero RV, Marcus MA & Santelli CM

(2021) An XRF Study in Mechanisms of Chromium Removal from Industrial Storm Water Using Peat Medium
Stewart BD, Nicholas SL, Eger P, Sheik C & Toner BM

(2018) Novel Genomes Reveal Carbon Cycling Potential of Microbes Living in an Archean Iron Formation
Sheik C, Badalamenti J, Bond D, Gralnick J & Toner B

(2018) Low Sulfate Systems: Does Organic Sulfur Affect Isotopic Fractionations?
Fakhraee M, Crowe SA, Toner BM & Katsev S

(2018) A Holistic View of Organic Sulfurization
Druschel G, Dvorski S, Kafantaris F-C, Toner B & Philippe S-K

(2017) The Chemistry of Hydrothermally Derived Iron in the Deep Ocean: A Particle Perspective
Toner B, German C, Dick G & Breier J

(2017) Spectromicroscopy of Marine Colloids: Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy (STXM) and Synchrotron Infrared Nano-Spectroscopy (SINS)
Toner B, Hoffman C, Jansen L, Johnston C, Voelz J, Penn L & Fitzsimmons J

(2017) Surprises in Iron Cycling at the Peru Margin
Lam PJ, Heller MI, Moffett JW, Till CP, John S, Sanial V, Charette M, Lee J-M, Toner BM & Marcus M

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