All abstracts by Matthew Warke in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Great Oxidation Event Preceded a Paleoproterozoic ‘snowball Earth’Warke M, Di Rocco T, Zerkle A, Lepland A, Prave A, Martin A, Ueno Y & Claire M
(2018) Two-Billion-Year-Old-Evaporites Capture Earth’s Great Oxidation
Blättler C, Claire M, Prave A, Kirsimäe K, Higgins J, Medvedev P, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Zerkle A, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Millar I, Hayles J, Bao H, Turchyn A, Warke M & Lepland A
(2017) Synchrotron-Based XRF Mapping of Neoarchean Stromatolites: Trace Element Distribution in Microbialites
Warke M, Edwards N, Schröder S, Wogelius R, Manning P, Bergmann U, Kimball-Linares K, Garwood R & Beukes N