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All abstracts by Peter R. Girguis in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Methane Clumped Isotopes Reveal the Formation of Microbial Methane
Liu J, Young ED, Pellerin A, Ash JL, Barrett GT, Girguis PR, Harris CM, Krause SJE, Leavitt WD, Murphy K, Qin Q, Sivan O, Teske A, Valentine DL, Walter-Anthony K & Treude T

(2024) The Chemical Footprint of an Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium and its Impacts on Iron Oxidation and Mineralization
Baker IR, Matzen SL, Schuler CJ, Toner BM & Girguis PR

(2017) Revisiting Biogenic Iron Sulfide Minerals
Picard A, Gartman A, Cosmidis J, Clarke D & Girguis P

(2016) New Internal Biothermometer in biomass-Po4 to Study Vent Macrobiota at the Seafloor
Li H, Blake R & Girguis P

(2016) Arsenic Concentrations and Species in Three Hydrothermal Vent Worms
Maher W, Duncan E, Dilley G, Foster S, Delaney J, Krikowa F, Lombi E, Scheckel K & Girgius P

(2015) Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Sulfide Mineral Formation at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Picard A, Gartman A, Clarke D & Girguis P

(2015) Characterizing Interactions between Electrical Potential, Microbial Activity and Mineralogy at Hydrothermal Vents
Gartman A, Picard A, Clarke D & Girguis P

(2015) Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Cold Oceanic Crustal Fluids at North Pond
Kraft B, Wankel S, Glazer B, Huber J & Girguis P

(2014) The Microbial Methane Observatory for Seafloor Analysis (MIMOSA): Long-Term Coupled Geochemistry and Microbiology Experimentation in the Deep-Sea
Orcutt B, Lapham L, Girguis P, Wheat CG, Marshall K & Delaney J

(2013) Oxygen and Carbon Cycling in Basaltic Crust
Orcutt B, Bach W, Edwards K, Girguis P & Wheat G

(2012) Eating Iron and Loving it: Ferrous Iron Metabolism in Rhodopseudomonas Palustris Tie-1
Bose A, Newman D & Girguis P

(2012) Hot-Wired: The Role of Extracellular Electron Transfer in Sustaining Primary Production by Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Girguis P & Nielsen M

(2012) Interrogating the Mechanisms Controlling Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction
Johnston DT, Leavitt WD, Schmidt M, Wankel SD, Bradley AS & Girguis PR

(2011) Insights into Marine Microbial Communities that Couple Anaerobic Biogeochemical Cycles to Remote Oxidants
Girguis P, Song P & Nielsen M

(2011) Calibrating S Isotope Fractionation in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Johnston DT, Bradley AS, Cummins R, Leavitt WD & Girguis PR

(2011) In situ Stable Isotopic Detection of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Monterey Bay Cold Seeps via Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
Wankel S, Gupta M, Leen JB, Provencal R, Parsotam V & Girguis P

(2011) Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes in Buoyant, Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
Wendt K, Ananatharaman K, Breier J, Dick G, Edwards K, Girguis P, Sorensen J, Sylvan J & Toner B

(2010) Are Hydrothermal Vents Natural Microbial Fuel Cells?
Nielsen M & Girguis P

(2010) Evidence for Seismicity Influencing Deep Sea Primary Productivity: A Year-Long Study of Microbial Processes at the Juan de Fuca Ridge Using Biological Osmotic Samplers
Girguis P, Robidart J, Wheat CG & Frank K

(2009) Coupling Metabolite Flux to Proteomics: Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Primary Productivity by Tubeworm Symbionts
Girguis P, Robidart J & Nyholm S

(2009) Real-Time in situ Volatile Characterization and Methane Carbon Stable Isotopic Composition in the Deep Sea
Wankel SD, Lilley MD, Olson E & Girguis PR

(2009) Methane Cycling at Lost City: A Biological View of Geochemistry
Bradley A, Song P, Summons R & Girguis P

(2005) Using Electrochemical Methods to Study Redox Processes and Harvest Energy from Marine Sediments
Reimers C, Girguis P, Westall J, Newman D, Stecher H, Howell K & Alleau Y

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