All abstracts by Alexandra Schellenger in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Selenium Oxyanion Uptake on Iron Oxides and Pyroaurites: Probing Mechanisms Using 18O TracingLarese-Casanova P, Yue P, Schellenger A, Chen N, Peak D, Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Onnis-Hayden A
(2018) The Effects of Colloidal Silica-Based Grouts on Sr and Cs Geochemistry
Bots P, Lunn R, El Mountassir G, Schellenger A, Pedrotti M, Payne T, Comarmond J & Renshaw J
(2018) Usefulness and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Application to Selenium Oxyanion Biogeochemistry
Larese-Casanova P, Schellenger A, Paydary P, Xia L, Jaisi D & Onnis-Hayden A