All abstracts by Jörg Göttlicher in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Phosphate Co-precipitation with Fe(III) during Fe(II) Oxidation: Effects of Dissolved Organic CompoundsNenonen V, Kaegi R, Hug SJ, Mangold S, Göttlicher J, Winkel LHE & Voegelin A
(2023) Spatially Resolved Iron Mineral Phase Evolution and Arsenic Retention in Microfluidic Models of Zerovalent Iron-Based Water Filters
Wielinski J, Jimenez-Martinez J, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Mangold S, Hug SJ, Berg M & Voegelin A
(2021) Effects of Organic Compounds on Fe(III)-precipitates and on the Retention of Co-precipitated Phosphate
Nenonen V, Kaegi R, Hug SJ, Mangold S, Göttlicher J, Winkel L & Voegelin A
(2020) Arsenic Mobilization and Retention Mechanisms along an Iron Mineral Dominated Redox Gradient in Delta Sediments of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Stopelli E, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Kappler A, Göttlicher J, Winkel L, Bostik B, Nghiem A & Neumann T
(2018) Formation of Zeolites in Sandstone-Brine Interaction Experiments Under Geothermal Conditions
Schmidt RB, Göttlicher J & Stober I
(2018) Indium Incorporation in Synthetic Sphalerite: Examination via Powder Diffraction and XANES Spectroscopy
Heinrich J, Bauer M, Göttlicher J, Seifert T & Heide G
(2017) Characterization of Green Rust Sulfate Transformation Products Associated with Hexavalent Chromium Remediation
Thomas A, Eiche E, Didereksen K, Göttlicher J, Steininger R & Neumann T
(2017) Arsenic and Lead Speciation in Geothermal Scalings: Implications on Formation Conditions
Eiche E, Göttlicher J, Steiniger R, Duschek K, Eggeling L, Kölbel T & Neumann T
(2016) Speciation and Fractionation of Geogenic Thallium in Soils from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Voegelin A, Pfenninger N, Petrikis J, Majzlan J, Plötze M, Mangold S, Steininger R & Göttlicher J
(2016) Nano-Mineralogy & -Geochemistry of Karst Bauxites (Greece): Implications of the Origin of the Deposits
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Göttlicher J & Steininger R
(2015) Oxidation State of Transition Metals in (Micro-)tektites and Suevite Glass from Bosumtwi Crater, Ghana
Langenhorst F, Stoyanov E, Deutsch A & Göttlicher J
(2015) The Integration Modes of Structural Bound W(VI) in Hematite and Goethite
Kreißl S, Bolanz R, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Tarassov M & Markl G
(2015) Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece)
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P & Kafantaris F-CA
(2013) Characterization of CaCO3 Poly-Morphs Grown in Silica Hydrogel in the Presence SO42- or CrO4<sup>2-</sup> by XAS
Astilleros JM, Göttlicher J, Sánchez-Pastor N, Steiniger R & Fernández-Díaz ML
(2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece)
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D
(2010) The Contrasting Behavior of As and Sb in the Mining Waste Near Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Lalinska B, Chovan M, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Hug K, Ziegler S & Gescher J
(2009) Matrix Composition and Community Structure Analysis of a Novel Bacterial Pyrite Leaching Community
Ziegler S, Ackermann S, Göttlicher J, Majzlan J & Gescher J
(2009) Uranium Distribution and Speciation in Greek Tethyan Limestones by μ-XRF and μ-XANES Spectroscopy
Göttlicher J, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Kafandaris F & Steininger R
(2007) A Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory for Environmental Studies
Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Kramar U, Majzlan J, Nehrke G & Zöger N
(2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V
(2007) Sulfur K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate Microbial Triggered Sulfate Reduction
Göttlicher J & Mangold S
(2006) Formation, Composition, Structure, and Ageing of As-ferrihydrite From Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Chovan M, Lalinská B, Jurkoviè L, Milovská S & Göttlicher J