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All abstracts by Nicole M.B. Williamson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Evolution of Tungsten Isotopic Compositions Across the Hawaiian Archipelago
Willhite LN, Finlayson V, Williamson NMB, Weis D & Walker RJ

(2024) Origin of ‘enriched Mantle I’ (EM-I) Compositions in Hawai‘i: Insights from Ko‘olau-Makapu‘u
Williamson NMB, Weis D, Harrison LN, Armstrong C, Thistlethwaite E, Scoates JS & Garcia MO

(2023) Deep Mantle Chemical Heterogeneities: New Insight from the Measurement of the 138La-138Ce and 146,147Sm-142,143Nd Systematics in Hawaiian Basalts
Boyet M, Doucelance R, Seghi J, Auclair D, Williamson NMB & Weis D

(2022) How Atypical is Kauaʻi’s Loa-Kea Geochemical Trend?
Williamson NMB, Weis D, Scoates JS & Garcia MO

(2019) Origin of Enriched Hawaiian Mantle Signatures: Insight from the Thallium Isotopic Compositions of Shield Lavas
Williamson NMB, Weis D & Prytulak J

(2019) The Different Stories Told by Hawaiian Shield, Post-Shield, and Rejuvenated Lavas
Weis D, Williamson NMB & Harrison LN

(2018) What Makes Hawai‘i a Unique Mantle Plume?
Weis D, Harrison LN & Williamson NMB

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