All abstracts by Michael Whittaker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) A Multimodal in situ Approach Reveals Molecular Pathways for Manganese Substitution in Growing CalciteKoishi A, Weeraratna C, Ahmed M, Zhu C, Nielsen Lammers L & Whittaker M
(2022) Strontium Isotope Geochemistry as a Potential Tracer for Contaminants Derived from Lithium Mine Wastes
Williams G, Hill R, Wang Z, Whittaker M, Stringfellow W & Vengosh A
(2022) Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Uptake of Trace Elements during Calcite Growth
Koishi A, Whittaker M, Mills JV & Nielsen Lammers L
(2020) Large-Scale Thermodynamic Analysis of Mineral Carbonation Under Elevated CO2 Fugacity
Kim J, Whittaker M & Sun W
(2018) Molecular Characterization of the Hydrated Pyrite (001) Surface by Ambient Pressure XPS
Carrero S, Bluhm H, Whittaker M & Gilbert B