All abstracts by David Green in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Applications of Non Traditional Isotope Systems to Aerosols Tracing – A Critical AssessmentWeiss D, Souto de Oliveira CE, Araújo DF, Schleicher N, Green D, Chen M, Muxworthy A & Babinski M
(2020) Alteration Indices at High Resolution, from Hyperspectral Scanning of Drill Holes in Western Tasmania, Australia
Green D
(2014) The Nature of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath Ocean Basins
Niu Y & Green D
(2013) Evolution of Basaltic Melt during Mantle Refertilisation at Shallow Depths of Spreading Ridges, Through Experimental Studies of Liquid Compositions in Equilibrium with Plagioclase + Spinel Lherzolite at Low Pressures (0.75 and 0.5 GPa)
Chalot-Prat F, Fallon T, Green D & Hibberson W
(2011) A New Methodology to Experimentally Determine Water Incorporation into Upper Mantle Olivine and Pyroxene
Kovacs I, Green D, Rosenthal A, Hermann J, O'Neill H, Hibberson W & Udvardi B
(2011) On the Hygroscopic Behaviour of Marine Particles Enriched with Biogenic Nanogels
Fuentes-Lopez E, Coe H, Green D & McFiggans G
(2010) Experimental Phase and Melting Relations of Metapelite in the Upper Mantle – Implications for the Petrogenesis of Intraplate Magmas
Spandler C, Yaxley G, Green DH & Scott D
(2009) Melting and Melt-Peridotite Interactions in Heterogeneous Upper Mantle Sources of Primitive Volcanics
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Sobolev A, Rosenthal A & Green D
(2008) Melting of Residual Eclogites with Variable Proportions of Quartz/Coesite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley GM, Green DH, Hermann J & Spandler CS
(2008) Clarification of the Influence of Water on Mantle Wedge Melting
Green DH, Hibberson WO & O'Neill HS
(2007) Phase and Melting Relations of a Residual Garnet Clinopyroxenite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley G, Green D, Hermann J & Spandler C
(2007) The Influence of Minor Elements on Melting of Eclogite in the Mantle
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Green D, Rosenthal A & Brey G
(2006) Why does the Earth have lithosphere of around 90 km thickness in oceanic and many continental intraplate settings
Green D
(2006) Dunite channels in the Horoman peridotites, Japan: Textural and geochemical constraints on melt/fluid transport through the lithosphere.
Niida K, Green D, Yoshikawa M & Eggins S
(2006) Plagioclase lherzolite as matrix to reactive, porous flow of basaltic magmas
Chalot-Prat F, Nimis P, Green D & Falloon T
(2006) Solubility of Carbon and Hydrogen in Melts at High Pressures and Reduced Conditions
Tuff J, Taylor WR & Green DH
(2006) Trace element and isotopic (Sr and Nd) compositions of clinopyroxenes in dunite channels of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Yoshikawa M, Niida K, Eggins SM & Green DH
(2000) Primary Magmas, Mantle Temperatures and Buoyancy Plumes
Green DH, Eggins S, Falloon T & Yaxley G
(2000) Phase Relations and Magmatism in the Mantle Wedge Above Subduction Zones
Green DH & Lus W