All abstracts by Erika Griesshaber in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Experimental Long Term Diagenetic Alteration of Aragonitic BiocarbonatesForjanes P, Simonet-Roda M, Greiner M, Griesshaber E, Astilleros JM, Schmahl W & Fernández-Díaz L
(2019) Does the Polymorphism Control the Boron Isotopic Composition of Biocarbonate?
Rollion-Bard C, Griesshaber E, Schmahl W, Louvat P & Faure L
(2019) How Powerful can Melt Inclusions be for the Study of Early Cretaceous LIPs?
Lucchetti ACF, De Campos C, Nardy AJR, Arienzo I, Kaliwoda M, Griesshaber E, Schmahl WW, Janasi VDA & Dingwell DB
(2016) Mimicing Diagenetic Alteration in the Laboratory: Effects on the Microstructure and Mineralogy of Arctica islandica Shells
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Ritter A-C, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) EBSD Analysis of Belemnite Rostra: A Screening Tool for Diagenetic Alteration
Stevens K, Casella L, Griesshaber E & Mutterlose J
(2015) Microstructural Changes Reflect the Degree of Diagenetic Alteration in Biogenic Carbonates
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Stevens K, Ritter A-C, Mutterlose J, Brand U, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) Microstructural and Microchemical Signatures Derived from Hydrothermal Alteration of Arctica islandica Aragonite, Terebratalia Transversa Calcite
Griesshaber E, Casella L, Purgstaller B, Hippler D, Mavromatis V, Dietzl M, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) Experimental Diagenesis: Exploring the Impact of Differential Fluid Temperature and Chemistry on Biogenic Aragonite
Ritter A-C, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Casella L, Koelen J, Neuser R, Niedermayr A, Buhl D & Immenhauser A
(2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW
(2015) The Effect of Mg on the Caracteristics of Calcite Crystal Aggregates Grown in Biomimetic Gelatin Hydrogel Systems
Nindiyasari F, Griesshaber E, Fernández-Díaz L, Astileros JM, Sánchez-Pastor N, Ziegler A & Schmahl WW
(2013) Influence of Gelatin Hydrogel Porosity on the Formation of Calcite Mesocrystals
Nindiyasary F, Fernández-Díaz L, Griesshaber E, Astilleros JM, Sánchez-Pastor N & Schmahl WW
(2012) Nanoscale Microstructure and Texture Patterns of Bivalve Nacre
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E & Singh U
(2012) The Sensitivity of Mytilus Shell Microstructure and Geochemistry to Environmental Change
Griesshaber E, Hahn S, Immenhauser A & Schmahl W
(2007) Amorphous Components in the Shell Material of the Brachiopod Megerlia Truncata
Griesshaber E, Kelm K, Schmahl W & Sehrbrock A
(2007) Architecture of Phosphatic and Calcitic Brachiopod Shell Materials – A Comparison
Schmahl W, Merkel C, Griesshaber E, Kelm K & Lueter C
(2005) Micro-Raman Spectroscopy as a Non-Destructive Method for Quantitative Measurement of Conodont Diagenetic Alteration
Griesshaber E, Bleisteiner B, Schmahl W & Job R
(2005) Brachiopod Shell Biomineralization – Structural and Chemical Characteristics
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Neuser R, Pettke T & Brand U
(2004) The Chemical Inhomogeneity of Brachiopod Shell Calcite – A Spatial High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Investigation
Griesshaber E, Pettke T, Job R, Veizer J & Schmahl W
(2004) Morphology and Texture of the Fibrous Calcite in Terebratulide Brachiopode Shells
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Neuser R, Lenze A & Brand U
(2002) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mantle Plume at the Eifel
Griesshaber E, Niedermann S, Schulte U, Möller P & Dulski P
(2002) CO2 Fluxes from the Mantle Plume in the Eifel
Nüsslein M, Griesshaber E & Job R