All abstracts by Ethan Grossman in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Understanding Clumped Isotope Reordering Kinetics in Carbonate Minerals Using ab Initio Molecular Dynamics SimulationsZaheer W, Grossman E & Banerjee S
(2019) Weathering vs Hydrothermal Activity: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Examining Late Paleozoic Glacial-Interglacial Seawater Chemistry
Legett S, Rasbury T, Wright C, Grossman E, Hemming G & Penman D
(2018) Winter Temperatures Drive Climate Change in the Paleogene Subtropics
Ivany L, Sessa J, Judd E, Grossman E, Affek H & Douglas P
(2018) The Isotope Record of Seawater Chemistry Change Across the Late Paleozoic Climate Shift
Legett S, Rasbury T, Grossman E, Hemming G & Wright C
(2018) Single-brachiopod δ34SCAS Indicates a Dynamic, Climatically-Influenced Permo-Carboniferous S Cycle
Johnson D, Grossman E, Webb S & Adkins J
(2017) Freshwater Input, Upwelling, and the Evolution of Caribbean Coastal Ecosystems on the Central American Isthmus
Grossman E, Robbins J, Rachello-Dolmen P, Tao K, Saxena D & O'Dea A
(2016) Evolution of Phanerozoic Oceans: Isotopic Evidence for Early Paleozoic Warmth and Constant Seawater δ18O
Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B, Shenton B, Yancey T & Perez-Huerta A
(2016) The Boron Identity: Using δ11B to Examine Late Paleozoic Seawater
Legett S, Rasbury T, Grossman E & Hemming G
(2014) Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) as a Tool for Evaluating Fossil Preservation for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Perez-Huerta A, Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B & Shenton B
(2012) Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Carboniferous Brachiopods and the Effects of Burial Heating
Henkes G, Grossman E, Yancey T & Passey B
(2010) The Oxygen Isotope Record for the Phanerozoic
Grossman E
(2010) Nd Isotopes as Indicator of Glacio-Eustasy, Mid-Carboniferous Boundary Arrow Canyon, NV
Woodard S, Thomas D, Grossman E, Olszewski T, Yancey T, Raymond A & Miller B
(2001) A 70-Million-Year Record of ?18O Variation in the Permo-Carboniferous: Implications for Seawater ?18O
Grossman EL, Mazzullo SJ, Yancey TE & Mii H-S