All abstracts by Péter Pekker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Hydrous Nano-Silicate Melt Inclusions in the Lithospheric Mantle, Persani Mountains Volcanic Field (Transylvania)Lange TP, Pálos Z, Berkesi M, Pekker P, Szabó A, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2023) The Roles of Precursor (Mg)-ACC in the Formation of Aragonite
Molnár Z, Pekker P & Pósfai M
(2022) General Features of Metal Sulfide Biomineralization and Latest Findings About Microbial Copper Sulfide Biomineralization
Park Y, Eyal Z, Pekker P, Chevrier DM, Lefèvre CT, Arnoux P, Armengaud J, Monteil CL, Gal A, Pósfai M & Faivre D
(2021) Effects of Clay Minerals on the Formation of Mg-Bearing Calcium Carbonate Minerals
Molnár Z, Pekker P, Dódony I & Pósfai M
(2021) Protodolomite: Structure and Formation in Lakes
Pósfai M, Molnár Z, Pekker P, Rácz K, Dódony I, Pálfi I, Kristály F, Meister P, Frisia S & Magyari E
(2020) Mineralogical Cycle of Pb(II) in a Sinter Plant of Iron and Steel Industry
Mankovics M, Topa BA, Pekker P, Meskál L, Harman Tóth E & Weiszburg TG
(2019) First Results on Nano-Scale Investigations of Mantle Minerals from Carpathian-Pannonian Region Peridotite Xenoliths
Pálos Z, Kovács IJ, Pekker P, Pósfai M, Lange T, Liptai N, Berkesi M & Szabó C
(2019) Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Induced by Clay Minerals
Molnár Z, Pekker P & Pósfai M