All abstracts by Sylvain Calassou in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) CarbonStone: Experimental Insights into CO2 Mineralization in Mafic Reservoirs for Climate Change MitigationTeboul P-A, Fortier V, Klimenko A, Santanach-Carreras E, Gouze P, Godard M, Leprovost R & Calassou S
(2022) Exploring for Natural H2 in the North Western Pyrenean Foothills
Truche L, Lefeuvre N, Donzé FV, Gaucher EC & Calassou S
(2021) Soil Gas Mapping as a Tool for Native H2 Exploration: A Case Study in the Western Pyrenean Foothills (SW France)
Lefeuvre N, Truche L, Donzé F, Ducoux M, Fakoury R-A, Gaucher E & Calassou S
(2020) Structural Control of “Dehydratites” Deposition ?
Calassou S, Gaucher EC, Pichat A, Legeay E & Denis M