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All abstracts by Mathieu Moussavou in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Small Fractionation Factors of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Proterozoic Sediments Inferred from High Precision Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Pyrite
Kurihara A, Sawaki Y, Moussavou M, Jiang C, Nakagawa M, Sato T & Ueno Y

(2023) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Pyrites in Paleoproterozoic Black Shales from Francevillian Succession, Gabon
Kurihara A, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Moussavou M & Ueno Y

(2022) Re-examining Deep Time Sulfur Isotope Records from a Micro-Scale Perspective
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Moussavou M, Wood RS, Richardson JA, Prave T & Lepland A

(2021) The Grandest of Them All: The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and the Carbon Cycle
Prave T, Kirsimäe K, Lepland A, Fallick T, Kreistmann T, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Medvedev P, Moussavou M & Bakakas Mayika K

(2021) Rethinking the Sulfur Isotope Record of the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Succession of Gabon
Paiste K, Bakakas Mayika K, Fike DA, Kirsimäe K, Crémière A, Juhkama H-R, Wood RS, Moussavou M, Prave T & Lepland A

(2020) Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion – Isotopic Shift Happens
Lepland A, Bakakas K, Moussavou M, Kreitsmann T, Paiste K, Mänd K, Deines Y, Romashkin A, Prave A & Kirsimäe K

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