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All abstracts by Jennifer Mays in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Astromat: Future-Proofing Astromaterials Research
Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Mays J, Downs R, Danninger G, Ji P, Celnick M, Figueroa JD, Johansson A & Richard S

(2024) Maximizing the Return on Investment in Astromaterials Samples Collection and Analysis with FAIR & Analysis-Ready Data at the Astromaterials Data System
Lehnert KA, Mays J, Downs R, Profeta L, Danninger G, Ji P, Celnick M, Figueroa JD, Johansson A & Richard S

(2023) Ensuring the Long-Term Scientific Value and Impact of Astromaterials Samples Data from Past, Present, and Future NASA Sample-Return Missions
Lehnert KA, Mays J, Ji P, Profeta L, Celnick M, Richard S & Downs R

(2022) The Astromaterials Data System: Access and Preservation of Past, Present, and Future Data from Planetary Sample Analysis – New Developments
Mays J, Cao S, Downs R, Figueroa JD, Ji P, Johansson A, Morrison SM, Ostroverkhova A, Profeta L, Richard S & Lehnert KA

(2022) The UCLA Cosmochemistry Database
Zhang B, Warren PH, McKeegan KD, Young ED, Rubin AE, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Johansson A, Ji P, Figueroa JD & Mays J

(2020) Broadening Access to Space Science Data: The Astromaterials Data System
Mays J, Profeta L, Lehnert K, Ji P, Morrison S, Johansson A, Song L, Figueroa JD, Evans C & Zeigler R

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