All abstracts by Benoit Pasquier in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Shallow vs Deep: Identifying the Magnitude and Locations of Marine Nd Sources with GNOMWise PM, Pasquier B, John SG & Hines S
(2023) Global Distribution of Nickel Sources and Sinks as Seen from a Diagnostic Model
John SG, Liang H, Pasquier B, Holzer M & Silva S
(2022) The Biogeochemical Balance that Controls Oceanic Nickel Cycling in the Modern and Past Oceans
John SG, Kelly R, Bian X, Yang S-C, Fu F, Smith MI, Lanning N, Liang H, Pasquier B, Seelen E, Holzer M, Conway TM, Fitzsimmons JN & Hutchins D
(2020) Global Controls on the Distribution of Nickel in the Oceans
John S, Yang S-C, Bian X, Kelly R, Hutchins D, Fu F, Liang H, Pasquier B & Seelen E
(2020) Elucidating the Major Mechanisms that Control Global Marine Cadmium Distributions with AIBECS
Pasquier B & John S
(2020) Metals, Models, and Isotopes: Insights into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Nutrients in the Ocean
John S, Conway T, Weber T, DeVries T, Tagliabue A, Liang H & Pasquier B