All abstracts by Sam Shaw in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Interactions between Microbes and Low-Ph Cement in Low-Carbon Source Groundwater (Relevant to Radioactive Waste Geodisposal)Singh A, Byrd N, Engelberg D, Morris K, Shaw S & Lloyd JR
(2023) Valorization of Waste Iron Substrates for the Production of Functional Fe(II) Nanomaterials
Eshun LE, Coker V, Shaw S & Lloyd JR
(2023) Microbial Impacts on Colloid-Radionuclide Interactions in Legacy Spent Nuclear Fuel Ponds
Morgan C, Byrd N, Robinson C, Lopez-Odriozola L, Woodall S, Shaw S, Natrajan L, Morris K & Lloyd JR
(2023) Enhanced Strontium Removal Through Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation by Indigenous Ureolytic Bacteria
White-Pettigrew M, Shaw S, Abrahamsen-Mills L, Graham J & Lloyd JR
(2023) Colloidal Particulates in Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage: From Fundamental Properties to Effluent Treatment
Neill T, Foster C, Shaw S, Bryan N & Morris K
(2023) Controlling and Modelling the Impact of Bentonite Microbial Communities in Disposal of Radioactive Wastes
Rose MN, Bailey M, Engelberg D, Morris K, Shaw S & Lloyd JR
(2022) Strategies for Optimizing the Scalable Microbial Synthesis of Vivianite
Eshun LE, Lloyd JR, Coker V & Shaw S
(2021) Micro-Scale Mapping and Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead and Uranium in Plant Roots Colonised by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Dinsley JM, Robinson CH, Shaw S, Field L, Moore K & Pittman JK
(2021) The Adsorption of Mono- and Poly- Vanadate (V(V)O43-) onto Hematite: A Multi-Technique Approach
Zhang J, Coker V & Shaw S
(2021) Exploring the Impact of Fe-Atom Exchange on the Fate of U(VI)-incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Morris K, Lam A, Vitova T, Schacherl B, Neumann A, Abrahamsen-Mills L & Shaw S