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All abstracts by Elena Tajuelo Rodriguez in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) CO2 Mineralization by Controlled Carbonation of MgO Powders via Mineral Looping
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Anovitz LM, Bran Anleu P, Weber J & Stack AG

(2023) Effect of Irradiation and Alkali Silica Reaction on Aggregate Physicochemical Reactivity in Nuclear Powerplants
Bouissonnié A, Chen X, Qi Z, Zinkle S, Le Pape Y, Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Alnaggar M, Bauchy M & Sant G

(2023) Neutron-Induced Changes in Porosity, Density and Mechanical Properties for Sandstones, Chert and Limestone
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Sun H, Le Pape Y, Anovitz LM, Cheshire MC & Ilavsky J

(2022) Irradiation Impact in Concrete: Gamma Effects on Cement Paste Constituents (Calcium Silicate Hydrates) and Neutron Effects on Minerals Present in Aggregates
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Baral A, Hunnicutt WA, Garg N, Sun H, Cakmak E, Arregui Mena JD, Anovitz L, Ilavsky J, Le Pape Y & Rosseel TM

(2021) Microstructural Origins of Chemomechanical Changes in Novaculite
Anovitz L, Flores-Betencourt A, Allard LF, Bosomworth P, Irle S, Mamontov E, Ghose D, Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Erdman D, Lowden RR, Ilavsky J, Kuzmenko I, Bleuel M & Littrell K

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