All abstracts by Yafang Song in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Evolving Weathering Processes during the Archean EonHao J, Knoll A, Cui X, Song Y, Jing Z & Huang F
(2024) Dynamic Redox and Nutrient Cycling Response to Climate Forcing in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Bowyer F, Mills BJW, Merdith A, Wignall PB, Peakall J, Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
(2023) Ocean Redox and Nutrient Cycling in the ~1.64 Ga Chuanlinggou Formation, North China Craton
He C, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Yang X, Song Y & Poulton SW
(2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW
(2022) Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
(2021) Co-evolution of Ocean Redox, Nutrient Cycling and Atmospheric O2 during the Mid-Mesoproterozoic
Song Y, Bowyer FT, Mills BJW, Zhang S, Canfield D, Alcott LJ, Shields GA & Poulton SW