All abstracts by Elias Wölfer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Ge Isotope Variations Constrain the Origin of Volatile Element Depletions Among MeteoritesKleine T, Wölfer E & Burkhardt C
(2023) Isotopic Evidence for a Common Origin of CAIs and AOAs
Burkhardt C, Jansen C, Marrocchi Y, Schneider JM, Wölfer E & Kleine T
(2023) Constraining Volatile Element Loss Processes by Germanium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Renggli CJ & Kleine T
(2021) Dynamic Evolution of the Inner Solar System Inferred from Ti and Cr Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Schneider J, Budde G & Kleine T