All abstracts by Jessica N. Fitzsimmons in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Pb and Pb Isotopes in the South Pacific Subpolar OceanBoyle EA, Lanning NT, Kim Y, Marcantonio F, Fitzsimmons JN & Dick K
(2024) The Fe Isotope Case for Sediments as an Important Marine Fe Source
Conway TM, Hunt HR, Sieber M, Tian H-A, Summers BA, Lanning NT, Steffen JM, Homoky WB, Fitzsimmons JN, Middag R & John SG
(2024) Carbon Matrices Support Transport of Nanoparticulate Iron from Hydrothermal Vents to Open Ocean Waters
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Ely T, Breier J, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN
(2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN
(2023) Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2023) Reimagining Oceanographic Biogeochemistry: Bringing the Ocean to the Community Through Virtual Reality
Wiederwohl CL, Bogdanoff R, Thomas A, Fitzsimmons JN, Twining B & Cutter G
(2023) Utilization of Lead Isotopes as a Tracer of Lead and Freshwater Inputs to Galveston Bay, Texas
Kim Y, Fitzsimmons JN, Marcantonio F & Lopez AM
(2023) A Review of Novel Insights and Future Challenges Presented by Oceanic Iron Isotope Analyses
Fitzsimmons JN & Conway TM
(2023) Chemical Characterization of Plumes Generated during Deep-Sea Mining of Polymetallic Nodules from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Gunnells SA, Morton PL, Hatta M, Adams HM, Kubler-Dudgeon I, Schartup AT, Larrouilh C, Toczek J & Fitzsimmons JN
(2022) The Biogeochemical Balance that Controls Oceanic Nickel Cycling in the Modern and Past Oceans
John SG, Kelly R, Bian X, Yang S-C, Fu F, Smith MI, Lanning N, Liang H, Pasquier B, Seelen E, Holzer M, Conway TM, Fitzsimmons JN & Hutchins D
(2022) Towards a Better Understanding of Nickel Cycling in the Modern Ocean: Development of an Automated Chromatography Method for Ni Isotope Analysis and the Generation of a GEOTRACES Ni Isotope Dataset in the Pacific Ocean
Bian X, Yang S-C, Raad R, Lanning N, Sieber M, Fitzsimmons JN, Conway TM & John SG
(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM
(2022) Reversible Scavenging and Particle Veil Transfer of Pb Isotopes into the Deep Pacific Ocean
Boyle EA, Lanning N, Jiang S & Fitzsimmons JN
(2022) Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM