All abstracts by Yehudit Harlavan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) From Rock to Clay: Isotope-Geochemical Study: Toward Provenance StudyHarlavan Y, Morag N, Ryb U & Berlin O
(2021) Constructing the Provenance of Siliciclastic Sediments Using their Clay Fraction
Harlavan Y, Ben Dor Y, Kedem N, Calvo R, Morag N & Avigad D
(2017) The Provenance of Heavy Minerals, Feldspars and Clays from the Cambrian Sandstones, Israel; Isotope and Geochemical Study
Harlavan Y, Ben-Dor Y & Avigad D
(2017) Provenance of the Miocene Sequence in Southern Israel: A Multi Proxy Iso-Geochemistry Study
Kedem N, Harlavan Y, Calvo R & Avigad D
(2013) Levels and Distribution of Traffic Related Metals in Israel; Pb, Zn and Platinum Group Metals (PGM)
Teutsch N, Halicz L & Harlavan Y
(2013) Sr Isotope Stratigraphy of Carbonate Fraction in Oil Shales
Harlavan Y & Goren O
(2011) Sr Isotopic Composition of Manganese Nodules: Recorder of Cambrian Ocean
Harlavan Y, Bar-Matthews M & Matthews A
(2011) Long-Distance Transport of North Gondwana Cambro-Ordovician Sandstones: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Hf Isotopic Composition
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2009) Evolution and Stabilization of a Juvenile Crust: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Perspectives from the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence of Post-Collisional Extensional Volcanism of the Eastern Pontide Paleo-Arc, NE Turkey
Arslan M, Boztug D, Temizel I, Kolayli H, Sen C, Abdioglu E, Ruffet G & Harlavan Y
(2007) Hf-in-Zircon Perspective on Crustal Growth and Recycling in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
Morag N, Avigad D, Kolodner K, Belousova E, Ireland T & Harlavan Y
(2005) K-Ar Age and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of A-Type Granitoids in the Divrigi-Sivas Region, Turkey
Boztug D, Harlavan Y & Arehart GB
(2004) Tracing Pb Contaminated Sewage Sludge off the Israeli Mediterranean Coast Using Pb Isotopes
Harlavan Y, Almogi-Labin A & Herut B
(2002) K-Ar Ages, Pb Isotopes and Geochemistry of Basalts from Ash Shaam Volcanic Field, NE Jordan
Harlavan Y, Weinberger R, Ilani S, Tarawneh K, Rabba I & Steinitz G
(2002) U and Pb Isotope Ratios in Manganese Nodules by MC-ICP-MS
Ehrlich S, Bar-Matthews M, Harlavan Y & Halicz L