All abstracts by Veronika S. Heber in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) C, N, O Abundances and Isotopic Compositions in the SunHeber V, Burnett D, Guan Y, Jurewicz A, Smith S, Olinger C & McKeegan K
(2009) Altitudinal Scaling of Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Artificial Quartz Targets
Vermeesch P, Baur H, Heber VS, Kober F, Oberholzer P, Schaefer JM, Schlüchter C, Strasky S & Wieler R
(2009) Solar Wind Ar, Kr, and Xe Abundances Deduced from Genesis Targets
Vogel N, Heber VS, Baur H, Burnett DS & Wieler R
(2009) The Composition of Noble Gases in the Solar Wind as Collected by Genesis: A Proxy for Solar Nebula Composition
Heber VS, Vogel N, Wieler R & Burnett DS
(2004) Noble Gas Diffusion in Mantle Minerals: High Resolution UV Laser Depth Profiling
Heber V, Brooker R, Kelley S & Wood B
(2000) Heavy Solar Noble Gases in Meteorites – New Insights into a Unique Archive of Solar Wind
Heber VS, Baur H & Wieler R